Chapter 37: She Smiles

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School sucks.

Anatomy and Physiology is boring.

So is Principles of Health Science.

I hate my smart school.

Well, here's an update.

Be rad.

Love y'all ❤❤


Odia's POV: three days later

But first, a flashback

"Odia?" He spoke as we sat in a dark room where she can't see my tears.

"Hmm?" I mused as I sniffled.

"I think you'll be okay, just try to smile. Whe n things get bad, a smile will make it hurt a little less." He threw his arm around my small frame as she held me close.

"It will?" I looked up in amazement at the discovery.

"Of course it will, a smile can withstand anything." He giggled


"Wait, what did you say?!" I demanded into the phone as I paced outside my dance studio in black sweat capris, a light purple tank top, a black jacket, my hair tied into anloose bun, and black tennis shoes.

My goodness I owned a lot of black.

"I'm coming to visit you Odi!" Ginata cheered, "I should be there in, oh there you are!"

Turning around, I saw the light brunette in a stylish red dress with a gold belt, necklace, bracelets, and strappy heels. She got out of the blue sports car and waved eagerly as someone else also got out of the car.

"Odi!" She stopped as she was about to hug me, noticing my sweating figure, "Dance practice?"

I nodded as I noticed the boy who looked familiar and about my age with sandy hair and amber eyes, "Uh... hi?" I gave a small smile as I waved at the blurry figure at Ginata's car, since I didn't jave my glasses on.

"Oh, Odi, this is..." Ginata looked for words, "He's your-"

"Future husband." I finished for her as I knew automatically.

"Yes, I'm sorry it's just- your brother- marriage- and- I-" She began stuttering as I chuckled a bit.

"It's okay, I got it." I gave her a smile, "I gotta go back in, but the host club is all at the Hitachiin's discussing plans for my recital in a few days, so feel free to wait there, okay?" I tackled her with a hug as she began to freak out, "See you later!" I giggled as I ran back inside.

Kyoya's POV:

I was currently sitting as the host club went into seating arrangements for Odia's recital. The conversation became a blur as I worked on club finacials.

Yet it was hard to focus, since Odia wouldn't stay out of my head. Luckily, she remembers nothing from her mini episode, but I'm not quite why she still lingers in my head.

I was torn out of my thoughts when the doorbell rang to reveal Ginata and a younger guy with sandy blonde hair and green eyes.

"Hey, guys!" She greeted us, "Odia said I can come here until she's done with practice, is that alright?"

"Sure, but who's this?" The twins asked.

"I'm Kyohei, Odia's... possible... husband..."  He trailed off as the club realized his name was one syllable too similar to mine while my fist clenched much to my opposition.

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