Chapter 1

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Chapter 1-

Stella's POV:

My alarm clock blared It wasn't me by Shaggy and I threw back the covers and hopped out. I went to my closet, I showered at night because my long hair took too long to dry in the mornings. I opened up my closet doors revealing all designer brands. Some that were not even on the shelves yet.

"Let's see..." I said flipping through bottoms.

"Do I want Jeans...or a skirt?" I asked myself. Instead I came to a very cute dress that was actually from West 49...surprisingly. It was grey with some bright blue and pink small shapes on it. It was a thin cotton material with thin straps it stopped mid-thigh and it still had the tag on it. I took the tag off and slid it on going to the shoe section to find some nice heels that went with it. I grabbed a pair of black heels and slipped them on and grabbed my bag on the way to the bathroom.

Stephen-My twin brother- was already in there. We had two mirrors; my stuff on one side his on the other.

"Morning." I smiled pulling out concealer.

"Morning." He smiled walking past me still wearing his pajama bottoms. I began applying a light concealer on my eye lids because they were dark for some reason. I didn't get blemishes nor did I get bags under my eyes. I applied some mascara and a peach lip gloss that smelt like vanilla.

I sprayed on a light perfume and brushed my teeth before heading downstairs. My father and Stephen were already down there; Stephen wore a pair of nice dark wash jeans and a plaid blue shirt with a grey form fitting v-neck underneath. The blue in the shirt complimented his blue eyes that were identical to mine. My dad looked just like us; in fact me and Stephen looked identical to my father. We could all pass as brothers and sister according to some people.

"Morning daddy." I smiled grabbing the fresh coffee he just made.

"Morning, sweetheart." He said stunned by me taking it. I grabbed a muffin and sat down across from Stephen. My dad wore a suit today because he had a practice at around noon and he was going to dinner with the team tonight.

Once I was finished we said goodbye and went out to Stephen's jeep, he could have gotten anything but he wanted a jeep. It was nice in the summer but annoying in the winter.

Once we got to school we parted ways. We hung out with the same group of people but my locker was on another different part of the school.vStanding there by it was Cecilia; one of my closest and best friends, we told each other everything and I loved her to death...Nothing could tear us apart. Nothing.

"Hi Cece." I smiled calling her by her nickname.

"Hey." She smiled opening her locker next to mine. I grabbed my English binder and the book we were reading Pride and Prejudice. Personally I was not a fan of this book. It was kind of boring, unless the good stuff came a bit later.

She shut her locker before me and soon we were walking down the hall way. People automatically got out of our way. Sure we were not head cheerleaders, but we were still captain and assisstant captain of the school soccer team. My boyfriend-Jackson-played ice hockey, he was the team captain and he played in the OHL which is why he was coming back tomorrow from training camp.

"So my dad is gone out tonight.Wanna have a movie night?" I asked.

"Would Stephen mind?" She asked as we stepped into the classroom.

"I think he has soccer...or he is going out with Serenity...Their anniversary is either today or tomorrow. So he is either going on a date or going to soccer." I smiled sitting in our seat.

"Alright, where is your dad going?" She asked.

"He is going out with the team, to a new restuarant." I said shrugging, she nodded silently and then class began.


At lunch I sat with Cecilia, Stephen, Serenity and a lot of other people that I didn't really talk too...I kind of just said "Hello. How's it goin'?"

"Are you doing anything tonight?" I asked Stephen.

"I have soccer." He yawned stretching.

"Okay." I said then turned to Cecilia.

"He has soccer. Come by my place aroun six?" I asked.

"Sure." She smiled. The rest of the day went by smooth and easy. Pretty much like any other day did.

When I got home my father was gone which was normal and Stephen left shortly after to go to soccer practice. Once he was gone I ordered a pizza for me and Cecilia and I got out a bunch of movies and pillows and blankets.

I have not had a girls movie night with Cecilia in a long time and it was going to be nice.

Cecilia's POV:

"You know I cannot tell her..." I said to Stiles; Stiles was another one of mine and Stella's good friend. He lived right next to me and had climbed through my window to talk to me. He was the only one who knew about my little 'crush' and he was trying to get me out of it or talk to Stella about it.

But I just couldn't, I tried to date...a lot, and it never worked. No guy could take my mind off of Stella's father. Okay saying 'Stella's dad' is getting annoying. His name is Maxwell but everyone calls him 'Max' which is what I am going to call him.

"I can't Stiles."

"Well one day she is going to find out, Cece...and you know how angry she will be?"

"She was made in a test tube, Stiles; I don't know if she carries that certain amount of feelings."

"Cecilia." He said surprised. His brown eyes almost popped out of his head. I was kind of surprised I said it.

"I know...That was wrong." I sighed.

"Even though stephen and her aren't made like everyone else. They are still real and experience the same things we do." He said.

"I know...Look I better get going. I really didn't mean it. I love Stella you know that."

"Yes I do. I'll catch you later." He smiled hopping back out my window and crossing over to his. I grabbed my pajamas and my clothes for tomorrow along with my backpack. It was thursday night for some reason me and Stella always had sleepovers on school night's for some reason.


Minutes later I was infront of her large expensive house knocking on her door.she opened it wearing her famous old pj's that were shorts with spongebob on them and a black tank top.

"I have two movies and pizza." she chimed letting me in.I went to her family room and sat on the floor leaning against the pillows and she brought out the pizza and pop and set it down on the table.

"So...what's new?" She asked sitting down next to me.

"Uhm...I am in love with your dad."

Is what I thought I should have said. But instead I actually said:

"It's been boring lately."

"I know what you mean!" She agreed.

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