Episode XXXV

51 3 0


"I want you to be your light."


"So this goes way back to when I was 7 years old and Jimin was 8. We were never able to find my parents bodies so we buried an empty casket. People from my school started to bully me based on that and also I was a bookworm and that just added on to it." Jungkook started

"You are still a bookworm."

"Whatever." Jungkook batted his eyes at taehyung. "Most people that picked on me were elder to me. Most of the times when I can't take it, I run to the park next to the school. I would sit on the swing for hours until I calm down. One day when the same thing happened and I ran to the park like always, after some time someone called out to me."

~Flashback begins~

Jungkook sat on the swing dangling his legs when he felt a shadow fall on him.

"Hey, kid."

Jungkook looked up and saw a boy standing with his hands in his pocket.

"Who are you?" Jungkook asked wiping his tears off before lifting his head.

"Who are you?" The boy asked backed.

"You are the one that followed me here, so answer first."

"Okay, whatever. I'm Jimin."

"I'm Jungkook. Why are you here?"

"I always see you get bullied by my classmate and I always see you running out of the school. So I thought I could see where you were running off too."

"Well, now you have seen right. Leave."

"No," Jimin said and sat on the empty swing next to Jungkook.

"What do you want?"

"I don't know."

"You don't know?"

"Yeah. I just felt like you needed someone with you."

"No, I don't."

"Yes, you do." Jimin turned around to face Jungkook. " Look here boy, let's be friends." Jimin extended his hand. Jungkook reluctantly took it.

"So we are friends?" Jungkook questioned.

"Yes." The boy smiled so wide, it made Jungkook smile along with him.

The two boys started hanging out often after that. Jimin always stood up for Jungkook when he was getting bullied and helped him with other stuff like food. After Jungkook's grandmother passed away when he was 12 years old, Jimin was always with him and he also took the younger into his house so that he won't have to stay alone. Jimin's parents were very welcoming and offered to foster Jungkook in their house until he was old enough to live on his own. They both basically became like family.


*Final Year of High School for Jimin and Third *

"Jungkook did you hear any more information about the song producing competition?"

"Yeah, I heard we will be grouped with older kids for it."

"Older kids. You mean from college or something."

"Yeah. They should be releasing the names for the groups today."

"Okay, I'll keep an eye on the notice board then."

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