The Creeper (Jeepers Creepers)

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You'd been travelling for 9 hours straight on a supposedly 'fun' car ride with your family. You'd fallen asleep multiple times and yet still the journey felt like you were stuck in a time loop of constant misery.

You were about to yell at your mom for the 30th time that minute to hurry up when the car started to shake. "What the hell...." Your dad mumbled. Suddenly a claw ripped through the roof and grabbed your mom. She screamed and the car spun out of control. The next few seconds were a whirlwind as you felt broken glass slice your skin and your body get crushed by your father's dead body.

As you gaze through the broken window beside you you see a thing approaching. It looked like a reptile but it was walking like a human. As you gazed into its eyes they seemed so familiar, like your dad's but they couldn't be.... Surely that's impossible....

It crouched down and sniffed you, enjoying every moment. However within an instant this had changed... It was now licking you and tasting you. It seemed intrigued by you and couldn't... Decide....

Then it saw your hand. Instantly it knew that it wanted it and knew what it had to do.

It devoured your hand instantly and made you watch in agony as your own body part appeared on the creature. Finally he grabbed you by the throat using your own hand and were once more forced to watch the world go black around you.

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