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"I'm not really sure how to feel about it, something in the way you move makes me feel like I can't live without you. It takes me all the way, I want you to stay."

-Stay; Rihanna ft Mikky Ekko

Mikala POV

After getting off the bus, we were guided to this huge hotel and told to head to the auditorium. The building was huge and by the looks of it extremely expensive, and that coming from me. The son of two multi-millionaire chefs.

Since I did not wish to be lost, I stuck close to Akira, who didn't seem to mind. Walking into the hall, I immediately was met by silence, feeling the heavy weight of the tension made a shiver run down my spine. Shaking off the feeling of dread I looked around and saw my dorm mates all gathered together talking to the blonde haired girl from the shokugeki, Ikumi, I believe her name was.

Before I could walk over to them, the lights dimmed causing all eyes to focus on the stage. Walking onto the stage in his stainless white chef outfit, was Chapelle-sensei, his usual frown arched on his wrinkled face. "Good morning students! I will now give a summary of the camp." Hearing his words, I decided it would be best to actually pay attention, I'm sure that if I missed something important it would cost me my time at Tosuki. "You Are scheduled to stay here for five nights and six days. In that time you will be split into several groups and take on daily cooking tasks. Student's whose instructors evaluations fall short below a certain baseline will be failed, sent back to the academy, and expelled."

Hearing his words, several students let out small but still audible gulps. "As for how your tests will be judged, we have invited guest lecturers." As he said this a bunch of people in chef uniforms walked onto the stage, once again many students let out gasps. "They're Totsuki alumni who have agreed to take time out of their busy schedules to join us." By now most of the hall was full of gasps, however this time in fear and admiration.

"They're the 1% the headmaster spoke about."

"All are from successful and huge restaurants."

"I've seen most of them in magazines."

The hall was full of chatter as the chefs on stage scanned the crowd, all of a sudden a voice broke through the chatter, "You over there, nine rows back with the scar on your eyebrow." Walking to the front he pointed to the area, looking over to wear the spectacled man was pointing, I saw Soma with a confused look pointing himself, "Wait no, sorry the one next to you. Yes you, you're expelled." Gasps filled the hall along with chatter once more.

I swear these people don't know how to do anything but gasp and whisper, looking back over at the commotion, I saw the red-haired man now standing in front of the very upset student, "You shampoo is a circus scent, it will disturb the aroma of the food."

Hearing his reasoning, the brown-haired boy got even more upset, "You're seriously going to expel me just for that?"

"Just that is enough to lose customers, now tell me, are you trying to destroy my restaurant?" The man glared over his shoulder, making the brunette discouraged as he sunk down to his knees.

Walking back to the stage, the red-haired man pushed up his glasses before scanning the crowd once more. Chapelle-sensei was about to speak once more when another commotion broke out, this time it was between the blonde chef with an impressive butt chin and Megumi.

Sighing, I looked over at Akira for his reaction only to find him sniffing cinnamon while looking at the stage. Well, that explains his cinnamon scent. The feeling of a hand grabbing mines caused me to look over at the culprit in alarm.

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