Chapter 3

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Sand Village Council room

"This meeting has been going on forever" Gaara taught to him self. He went back ton leasing to the meeting and wished for something interesting to happen. "Lord Kazekage what do think soul be done about this water shortage?" asked a member of the council. "Well......." before he could speak he cut off by a sand Jonin that had busted into the room shouting. "Lord.... Kaz..kage!, a.....urgent....message.....from the Leaf" Said the Jonin. "what did it say ?" asked Baki "Sir we don't know, it has a seal that can only be broken by Lord Kazkage." the Jonin replied. Everyone's eyes went wide. "Give it here" Gaara said and immediately undid the seal and he's blood ran cool with every word and widen when he saw a specific word.

Lord Kazekage we humbly beg for reinforcements , the Leaf is under attack,we only sensed one intruder, then there where simultaneous attacks later we estimate that the foes strength is three battalions in size,we know know the attacking force is the Akatsuki. We have suffered heavy casualties both civilian and Shinobi. Lady Hokage deems this an SS-class mission.

~sincerely Jy- aid to the fifth Hokage.

The council saw the look on there Kazakage's face as if had just read some grave news. "Lord Kazakge whats wrong?" asked a council woman. "Read this and you will know" He said passing the scroll along. when it reached Temari here eyes widen and filled with tears. Gaara saw this and gave her permission to leave, "Round up any and every Jonin we can spear along with supplies they are to leave IMMEDIATELY!" he yelled the last part. "Yes Lord Kazkage" they all said In unison and Gaara left to find his sister.He walked to his office and saw her laying on the couch crying uncontrollably. He walked over to her and put a hand on her shoulder "Everything will be fine Temari" Said Gaara in voice that was comforting even though he too was hurting for his friend, but he knew he had to be strong for his sister. "" she ask in between sobs and sits up and looks at him crying. Gaara hugs his sister to comfort her and Kankuro walks in and sees what is happening he couldn't go to his sister right away since he was caring out his brothers orders. He walks to the other side of Temari and hugs her as well. Felling the love of her brother she cry's because of how worried they are for her and their friend. "I know he will be fine because of everything he has done for us and his village." Gaara said comforting his sister as he now started to cry a little. After about ten minutes Baki knocked on the door, they let go of there hug. "Come in" Gaara said trying not sound as if he was crying . "Lord Kazakage the reinforcements and supply convoy are ready to be deployed." said Baki. "Very good Baki, but hold them in place for ten more minutes, The three of us will be coming as well." Said Gaara. "As you comaned Lord Kazakage" Baki said before leaving with his orders "Gaara your the Kazakage you can't leave the sand unprotected " Temari said. "It's because I'm Kazakage I'm going, It will show those terrorists the Leaf and Sand are not to be trifled with." Said Gaara. "Now lets go pack quickly." He said to his siblings.

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