chapter 30

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Will this girl ever shut up? I smile slightly at her as she tries to flirt with me, but she will never be mine. I don't care if she tries and tries, she will never be my type. My type is a certain fiery ginger that cares too much for her own sake. I swear she is too naive sometimes. I chuckle when I see her glaring daggers at the girl that is trying to seduce me. Keyword: trying. It's not going well. Why hasn't she given up yet? I ask myself for like the millionth time.

"So?" She asks in a 'sultry' tone trying to be sexy.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't listening," I deadpan.

"Dick," she scoffs walking away causing me to smile in victory. Finally!

"Hey, Dante," Emmaline says taking a seat next to me. I look at her and smile, but it drops once I see her tear stained cheeks and puffy eyes.

"Who was that girl talking to you?" Alea says as she sits on the other side of me. I turn to see the most beautiful ginger and silently swoon.

"I honestly don't know, Alea," I say staring her in the eye.

"Would you two just date already?" A voice says. I turn around to see Cameron casually standing close to the back of Emma's chair as she awkwardly leans forward. My brotherly instincts instantly come in and I glare at him.

"Why don't you just leave already?" I snap back.

"Not until Emmaline agrees to go on a date with me," He says staring at the back of her head as she rolls her eyes and blushes even more if that's even possible.

"I don't think that's going to happen today," Alea says smirking.

"Well, then, guys come over here!" He yells to his douche friends and pulls out a chair next to Emmaline. I roll my eyes as his friends walk over and say hi and sit down, enclosing all of us in. Great, we are stuck with these guys.


"Will you shut up?" I say rudely interrupting him.

"Dante," Alea says.

"Are you serious?" Emmaline and Alea say at the same time, disbelief laced in their tones.

"It's alright," Cameron says.

"I don't think it's alright, bro. He's completely disrespecting you guys for no reason," His friend, Kaden, says.

"I agree. What's wrong, Dante?" Alea asks sternly. I look up from my hands and meet her eyes. They were filled with shock. My heart clenches as we have a silent staring contest, neither of us break eye contact. Knowing she won't break it first, I look away from her scolding stare and look over to Emmaline's concerned stare.

"I'm sorry," I say looking over at Cameron. He nods as if to say it's alright. I honestly don't care if anyone else scolds me, but if Emmaline and Alea do it, I know I'm in the wrong. I look ahead and wait for the teacher to come in so Cameron would stop trying to flirt with Emmaline. I silently fist pump when the teacher walks in, successfully shutting him up by apologizing for being late.

"Okay, guys, we are st-" She starts but stops when the door opens.

"Sorry were late, Ms. Fur," The girl, Amara, says shyly with Luna and Scarlett behind her.

"Do you guys have a good excuse?" Ms. Fur asks clearly frustrated.

"N-" Amara starts but gets interrupted when Clay walks in soaking wet.

"Clay Matthews, can you please tell me why the hell you are late to my class and soaking wet?" She asks.

"I was outside for gym and it just suddenly started pouring, miss. Only my hair is wet," He says politely.

"All four of you get a warning. Now, go sit down. I don't have time to deal with your shit," She says waving her hand to dismiss them all to their seats.

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