something i wrote a while ago but forgot to publish

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my math teacher is absent today so here i am, "studying" for my science exam. which takes up our entire break :)

normal break time:
12:55 - 2:20

stupid science exam:
1:15 - 2:20

and this stupid challenging exam doesn't only count towards our average - it consists of 100 typing questions. like a plural / singular or even a small spelling mistake - that makes the entire question wrong :^(

the worst part - it's all physics and chemistry stuff


to make my life harder, our break is pretty much non-existent thanks to our exam - we have two hours of P.E ( public embarrassment ) after it.

and i don't have time to eat anything before it


anyways - i went to a haunted house the other day :v

lemme tell you what happened -

i was waiting there for more people to come, because i ain't going to go in there alone wtf.

there was this girl who was probably around my age and two younger brothers and this random kid who was alone.

i was in the middle kinda when we got in - the first thing that came out of my mouth was "it's really dark - lEbRoNjAmEs" it was zombie themed and the sound effects were really loud. it was like a night vision green when all of a sudden this dude just came out of nowhere and the two guys infront of me fell to the ground screaming. i know i'm evil, but it was kinda funny - the way they tried to get up tho XD

a lot happened and there was another guy who jumped at us - and then everyone ( except one of the girl's brothers ) lost it and all got behind me. which was a very bad decision since i was really scared, my entire body was shaking and i was going to die. they started grabbing my hoodie and hair and i had to yell "sToP" after every step.

one of the girl's brothers were really brave and he walked so fast we lost him - so that left me with three crazy people to lead. everytime a guy popped out of the wall or a window to scare us, i would just kneel there on the floor and scream while the others screamed and ran back - kinda leaving me, then they would come back and we would all attempt to run past the scare and most of the time we just trampled over each other.

one of the worst parts were the hanging bodies and heads above us and there was really no way to avoid them unless you crouched - which made it impossible to run from scares -

the brave dude eventually came back to us and said this, " i know everything " and he lead us to the exit telling us where the next person to scare us was.

and. . . yeah, i made it out alive XD

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