chapter 35

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My sister looks so sweet and innocent on the outside, but on the inside, she's fucking evil. When we got home, the little brat got into the sugar drawer while I was cleaning up my cuts and taking my pills. Now, she's on a sugar high. I never thought those were real until now. That was at one, it's now seven. It has been a lot of fun, sense the sarcasm.

"Melly, go sit down!" I say firmly when she jumps onto the counter.

"But, I don't want to, Bubba," she whines causing my frustration to spike. I don't know why I'm getting so frustrated easily. I have dealt with her crazy side since she was born. I groan and rub my face with my hand. Be calm, Clay.

"No!" She yells when she sees me charge at her and tries to jump away from me.

"Too late!" I yell and grab her by the waist and spin a little.

"Time for bed," I sing as I carry her to her room.

"Bubba, I don't want to," she whines, trying to fight out of my arms which clearly isn't working out too well.

"I'm sorry, Mel, but we have school tomorrow," I say poking her nose and smiling at her.

"Wait, where are you bubba?" She asks excitedly.

"What do you mean, Melly Belly? I'm right here," I say.

"I'm floating!" She screeches, excitement filling her voice. I smile and drop her on the bed causing her to groan and plop down.

"Do you want me to read you a bedtime story?" I ask her, sitting down on her bed.

" No, I'm tired," she says yawning right after confirming that she is off of her sugar high.

"Okay. I love you, Melly," I say as I stand up and tuck her in. She mumbles an I love you and snores right after. I lightly walk out of her room and crack her door. I really need to get her out of this house soon. Well, at least before something bad happens to her. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something bad happened. My heart thumps in pain at the thought of my little sister hurt. Enough of this depressing talk. I won't let anything happen to her. I silently scold myself. I blink and open my bedroom door. Thank God I don't have much homework. Today was a weird and somewhat of a draining day. I am so excited to go to sleep.

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