Hana reacting to Chanyeol being chased by sasaeng fans

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EXO's Chanyeol Chased By Sasaengs At Airport, Leaves Fans Speechless.

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Hana couldn't believe her eyes. Hana knew that Chanyeol was going to go on a personal vacation to Japan. How fans found out was shocking. Hana knew that Chanyeol had suffered from previous sasaeng experiences but couldn't believe that it happened a few days ago. She had been out of reach since she was busy filming  for her latest drama. What shocked her was that Chanyeol had to run away from them but they still chased him.

Hana also has previous experience with sasaengs. She knew that being an idol had its disadvantages, but she hoped that her loved one wouldn't have to experience such a thing.

She dialed his number, anxiously waiting for him to answer.

This number that you dialed is not available at the moment-

Hana was worried about Chanyeol and couldn't help but check his SNS. She sighed in relief knowing that he was enjoying some time off with his friends. As long as he was with his friends, she didn't really need to worry.

She was about to go to bed when Chanyeol called her. Hana quickly grabbed her phone, answering the call.


"Hana, why did you call me? Did you miss me?"

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Tell you what?"

"Oppa, why didn't you contact me to tell me that you were chased by sasaengs?"

"I didn't want you to worry, baby. That's why."

" Still oppa, you should have told me."

"Okay, I'll tell you if anytime happens to me next time Hana."

"Let's hope there isn't a next time. Oppa, have fun and relax please."

"Ok, you too baby."

"I love you, jagiya."

" I love you too, nae sarang."

Firstly why don't sasaengs respect am idol's privacy?
I'm heartbroken to learn what Chanyeol had to do to get away from them. ( although I learnt about this late)
Please don't forget that idols are human too.
Thank you.

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