19 - The Three

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✧Previously on Chapter Eighteen✧

Warning: Nothing much other than mentions of burns

There was smoke everywhere. The smell of burnt metal lingered in the air, and the after residue of the explosion was suffocating to breathe in. The fog that was circulating the area made it hard for anything to be seen, and now that the sun was fully being hidden by the moon, there was no light able to make way into the trees with the thick smoke that was all over the place. It was toxic.

Harry laid on his back with a groan coming out once his eyes started to open again. He felt a sharp pain wedged deep into his chest, and when he blinked a couple of times to look at what the pain was, he saw a silver spear punctured into his body. Harry whined brokenly as he moved his shaky hands to grab a hold of the silver. He let out a cry when the material started to burn his hands, but he needed to get the spear out of his body. Harry started to slowly pull the spear out of his chest as best as he could, trying to arch his back off the ground and curling his toes inward as a way to help himself yank the thing out. It took a second, but eventually he got the spear out and tossed it to the side. Harry instantly felt relief flooding to his chest when his skin started to heal over. He rolled on to his side with a loud cough and tried blinking his vision through the fog, but he realized his eyes were still burning from the wolfsbane, and he couldn't see absolutely anything.

There wasn't much noise around other than the distant ringing sound in the back of Harry's head. The last grenade that went off was near his head so right now all Harry could hear was a thrumming white noise that was making his brain hurt. Harry's skin also felt on fire, and he knew the wolfsbane had practically burned him off. It was taking awhile for his skin to actually regrow from his healing powers, and when Harry glanced down at his clothes to see what other damage had been done, he saw that mostly everything he was wearing was torn and burned as well. Harry groaned and rolled on to his back again when everything inside of him didn't feel good. He was still trying to recover from the explosion, and he really couldn't see much around him. Harry was ambushed, and when that thought finally settled in his mind, he tried to slowly sit himself up in hopes of catching the attacker, but once he was halfway to a sitting position, he saw six pair of boots quickly scurrying out of scene. Harry swore he heard the sounds of arrows shooting across the area. He was expecting one of them to puncture him right in the body, but there was nothing. Harry couldn't even see or think straight. The world was still spinning, fog was clouding his vision, and his head was thrumming to a steady beat. Harry had no idea where Stan was, and he had no idea if he actually saved the boy. The ambush happened so quickly, and Harry tried his best to get Stan in the water so the explosion wouldn't kill him. Harry only hoped he was successful in saving Stan, otherwise, he'll feel worse than he currently was.

Harry could only hold himself up into a sitting position for a couple of minutes until the spinning in his head caused him to fall back to the ground. His body was on fire right now trying to quickly heal itself, and once Harry was back to lying, he realized he lost all the control to move his body. He felt stuck and frozen, and when he tried to tense his muscles to see if they worked, they didn't. Harry was truly in pain, and not even his own bones and muscles could properly work to help him get out of the area so he continued to lie there and hope there were no other attacks. He did start to hear sounds though. Harry could hear the murmur of voices and the soft patter of shoes skidding across the ground. He tried blinking in the direction of the sound, but to not avail, he couldn't see past the thick fog. It was when those voices and sounds started getting closer when Harry started to feel a sense of familiarity. It was like knowing his wolf was now in the presence of his alpha that he could start to recover better. He could finally make out Louis' voice in the chaos of everything, and the omega inside of Harry was practically screaming out for his alpha.

Book 2: Dark Side of the Moon | Larry Stylinson ❀ [Werewolf AU]Where stories live. Discover now