42. Then what's the problem?

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Two weeks before homecoming dad, Vision, Rhodey and I were playing monopoly after dinner. I wanted to finish as quick as possible, but dad really dragged the game. After two hours dad had finally won, what would you expect, he's Tony Stark. 

" I'm going to work." he said when the game was packed up. " And O, tell Peter to come through the front door this time. The window cleaner isn't happy with those footprints." dad told me when he walked out of the room. It was stupid of me to think he hadn't noticed.

Dad told me you can come through the door.

He knows?

What can I say, the man knows everything.

Then I'll do what he says. Btw got the ice cream.

Nutella flavoured?



We were sitting on the roof again, looking out over the grounds of the compound while scooping up ice cream. Peter had just told me how he hadn't been spider-man for a few days. He also made me laugh with every little stupid thing he did. Like dropping his spoon from the roof or spilling his soda. He was such a dork. 

" Flash actually wrote you a letter to apologize for saving that trophy instead of Liz." he said. 

" No way." I smiled, but when he looked in my eyes and smiled I turned away, he didn't need to see me blush. 

" What's the problem?" he asked. 

I looked back at him " You're the problem" he looked confused " The fact that you're too freaking nice and handsome and charismatic and ugh..." 

A smile appeared on his lips " So wait, you like me?" he asked. 

" Of course I like you Peter. How can I not." I told him. 

" Then what's the problem?" he asked still smiling. 

I sighed " I can't fall for you," 

He frowned " Why?" 

I looked up at the stars " Last time I did that, someone died." I told him.

" I'm sure that wasn't your fault." he tried. 

But I sighed again " It was. He pulled me out of the way and got shot." I tried not to think about it, I didn't want to be sad. 

" When did all that happen?" he asked now understanding a bit better. 

" Sokovia." I told him " Look, I really like you okay. You're literally my dream guy but, with all that's coming,... I just don't wanna lose you." I said. 

He was now holding my hand in his. " What's coming?" he asked. 

" Remember the battle of New York?"

 " Yeah. That's not something you forget." he said. 

I had a flashback to the big blue portal in the sky. All those aliens flying through it. " Worse than that." I told him " Way worse. And if my visions are somewhat real, I don't think I want you involved in it." 

He looked me in the eyes, my heart could have melted right then and there " If aliens come down here and attack us again, I can't not be involved O. I can't just stand by and do nothing." 

I layed my head on his shoulder " I know... God, homecoming would sound so good."

The next couple of days went by as usual. Straight to school and straight home. Peter had asked Liz to homecoming on my advice and at lunch I helped him and Ned pick out a suit online.

" There's no way you're wearing that." I said when Ned kept looking at a top hat. 

" Why not?" he asked " It's pretty cool." I looked at the hat, considering if it would be a cool fashion statement. 

" Remember what happened last time with the hat?" I asked him. 

" Yeah you're right." he said and scrolled further along the website. 

" Hey O?" Peter asked and I leaned over to see what he was looking at on his pc. " What color do you think I should go for?" he asked me scrolling through all the options. 

I thought about it, " Well Liz has a red dress so probably something simple. Maybe black with a blue tie?" 

" Thanks." he said and I went back to helping Ned. It was fun to help them out, but I would've liked to choose a dress.

And all those days of sitting around, Steve's offer started to get more tempting. I wanted to see them, and talk to them.

To be a Stark {Peter Parker X OC} ( from AOU to FFH)Where stories live. Discover now