Tortured heart

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When the sun hung in the sky and warmed the land, Edwards naked body still ached with need, as he lay on his mat, with his eyes closed. The two beautiful prostitutes took turns kissing his body, until he opened his eyes and groaned when he realized his shaft was still not satisfied.

Angry that he could not get rid of his erection, after trying all night with two lovely women to appease his appetite, he angrily pushed himself up from the mat and retrieved his kilt, wrapped it around his tapered waist, and marched out of the tent, leaving behind the prostitutes who longed to have another round with him. He was the best they ever had, and they could not wait till the next time he comes back to them. No one has ever pleased them in this way before, besides him and his twin brother.

Edward was ashamed at himself for feeling these dangerous thoughts for his brothers betrothed. He loved his brother very much and did not want to betray him, but he was very confused. Why would these feelings tug at his heart, when it was his brothers soulmate and not his? Mayhap, he thought, he should go and visit the healer, for he was a very wise man and he might be able to help him.

The healer lived near the river on this side of the land, a few miles from where the red tent was located, so Edward decided to run there, and have a talk with him. The healers home was small and simple, but the healer liked it this way. He was a simple man, living a simple life, and dedicated his life to healing the sick.

Edward found the healer picking herbs from his garden in the back of his home.

"Good morning." Edward said, and the healer turned and looked at the handsome Druid, and noticed that he was suffering. He had the gift of knowing what's in peoples hearts, and he lifted his body from the ground and walked up to Edward.

"What pray tell are you doing up so early in the morning? Were you visiting again your lady friends?" The healer asked with a raised eyebrow.

Edward rolled his eyes, "I need a word with you." He said, in a not so friendly tone.

The healer sighed, and motioned for Edward to follow him inside his home. Throwing the wooden door open, the healer stepped inside his home, and walked all the way to the pantry.

"Come here son and join me," he said, and he placed a loaf of bread and a plate of cheese on the table, and he grabbed two plates and a knife and sat himself down on a wooden chair, next to the table, and waited for Edward to join him.

Edward sat his huge body on the small chair, and the healer held his laughter back, as he eyed the giant sitting in his chair.

"What brings you here son, what troubles you?" The healer asked, already knowing the answer to his question.

"I have been tortured with feelings that are inside my heart that have no business being there, and I need your advise." Edwards said in a deep voice that sounded troubled.

"What are these troubled thoughts my son?" The healer asked.

"I am in love with my brothers betrothed!" He said point blank, and as those words came out of his mouth, he felt a spear pierce his heart.

The healer sighed, but stayed silent, he waited years for this day to come, and finally it has arrived, and he knew not what to say, for he knew that his visions were clear, this confession that came out of Edwards mouth was the start of doomsday!

"Why am I feeling love for my brothers soulmate?" He asked desperately.

"Because your are his twin, and your feelings are connected to his. It is not your fault you feel this way, it has been known to happen among twins. Your soul and his are also twins, and they have fallen in love with the princess as one soul. Stay strong my son, for it will not be an easy thing to fight. Remember who you are, and what your brother means to you, and mayhap that shall help you overcome your feelings." The healer lied, because he knew that when twins happen to get confused, and fall in love with the same soulmate, it most always turns out into a disaster.

"There must be some kind of potion you can give me to stop these feelings from escalating into something more, I do not want to hurt my brother, I love him!" Edward said frustrated, as his ran his fingers through his hair.

The healer knew that one day Edward will meet his own soulmate and fall deeply in love, and make a connection, but he also knew that until then, Edwards soul will stay confused, and want to claim Kyra.

"I have nothing to give you to help you with this. You must stay strong, and not betray your brother. I know you can do it, because you are an honorable warrior,, and your loyalty to your brother is strong. I have faith in you my son!" The healer said, and he sliced the bread and cheese and offered it to Edward.

The healer noticed the pain in Edwards eyes, and knew that trouble was brewing. "It is very important you not touch your brothers bride! If those two don't make the connection on their wedding night, it could bring forth Armageddon! Is that what you want? Let them be, and step back, what you are feeling will pass, and you will find your own soulmate, do not betray your brother for what you think you are feeling, it is your shaft that is controlling you now, and not your heart. You must resist temptation! You are confused. You must think of all the love you feel for your brother, and stay strong. I promise you, your feelings will soon pass, and you will find your own soulmate!" He said desperately, hoping he got through to him.

Edward lifted himself off the small chair, and said, "I do not worry that I will betray my brother, for my love is deep for him, and I will never betray him! I just need to find a way to control my desires."

The healer followed him to the door, "Son, I know you to be a strong and powerful warrior, you will do fine, worry not, and remember that your soulmate will soon come into your life, and you too will find your connection, have faith in yourself." He said, and patted him on the back, "go now, and if you must, stay clear of Kyra until after the wedding day. I think that will be a wise thing to do for now."

Edward ignored the healer, and stomped away, he needed to get to the river, and swim back home, and figure something out for himself, he thought dryly, the healer was of no help at all!

The healer watched him leave, and prayed that the warrior won't follow his shaft, they don't need doomsday to come and wipe them all out, they need peace on this land, and he will make sure that peace will prevail. He put away the bread and cheese and slipped on his sandals, and decided to have a talk with Lidia. She would know what to do, she is a smart and intelligent lady, he thought, and his shaft grew double the size thinking about her. Oh yes, she was one beautiful lady, and he loved her with all his heart and all his soul. It has been months since the last time he has been with her alone, and he needed her now like the fish needed the water!

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