Perfect Sons ♛

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Farrah's POV

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Farrah's POV

Jackson and I followed Dj through the front door, who was still praying about the fact she almost lost her life.

"That's it, Jackson. I cannot teach you to drive. You are a maniac." Dj gasped, slamming the door shut while I laughed

"We never even left the driveway." Jackson laughed

"You were texting." Dj snapped

"You sent him the text." I pointed out, sitting on the step beside the door

"It was a test. It said, 'Do not look at your texts." Dj defended herself

"Guys, I'd be happy to teach the young lad the rules of the road." Danny offered

"No." We all three quickly declined, knowing how awful of a teacher he was

"What? I'm an excellent driving teacher." Danny said

"Yeah. Because it's always helpful when your teacher yells 'I don't wanna die!" Dj argued

"Fine. I'm going back to the television studio, where at least people have the common decency to pretend to respect me." Danny snapped, walking out.

"If you can't teach me, then what about Aunt Stephanie?" Jackson suggested, as Steph shrugged

"No. She crashed Joey's car into the kitchen." Dj said

"Yeah, when I was eight. I've only done it, like, twice since then." Steph said

"What about Kimmy?" Jackson asked

"I can show you how to steer with my belly." Kimmy smiled, shaking her stomach

"Fernando. He's a race car driver." Jackson suggested, hoping anyone else would teach him

"He's had eight races this season. He's crashed nine times." Dj said

"What about me? I have a hardship." I offered, waving my card in my hand

"Yeah, But the adult teaching has to be over 18." Dj denied, again, making me groan and flop onto the floor

"Well, what if I got a fake ID?" I smirked, still on the ground

"Don't even think about it." Dj scolded

"Oh, come on. Could've gotten fast food by myself." I sighed, making Steph laugh

"There is 57 people living in this house, and no one can teach me." Jackson said, walking up the stairs

"I can teach you something." I smirked, making him blush, although I was joking

"Shut up." He laughed, punching my shoulder

"What? I was definitely talking about teaching you to fold clothes properly." I laughed

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