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Gabbi / Sneaking Around .

" Where are you staying ?"  I asked joining my "bestfriend" at the table.

" With my brother , on the other side of town."

"You walked here?" I asked surprisingly.

" Yeah isn't that what you did , cause you damn sure can't drive yet?"

" Yeah , but I stay around the corner. You stay all the way on the other side of town." I said.

She shrugged ." I guess you right , but anyways why'd you call me down here?"

I passed her a bag that contained pictures , videos, and other stuff of Julia, the kids, August , and the rest of the crew. She smiled big showing her white teeth. She picked up the tape and looked at it. " This is ?"

"A special tape I really want you to hear , I got it recorded on my phone for August to hear. Your gonna be pissed though." I laughed taking it and placing it in the bag.

" I want you to look, listen , and etc to all the stuff in this bag. Get at me when your ready to roll with the plan alright?" I asked standing up and hugging her.

" Understood , baby girl." She hugged me back and headed out the door.

I swear when everything goes down , hell is gonna break loose. I just hope everyone will understand. I don't wanna be known as a family parter , cause that just ain't me.

I walked back to the house and sat in the livingroom watching Bad Girls Club reunion. If I was on that show I'd be cool with Blu, Lo , and Raesha , and Brit , and we'd beat all them other bitches ass cause they all aggravate me.

" Where you was sis ?" August asked coming from the laundry room , laying his head on my lap as he laid on the couch.

" I went to the cafe around the corner , I had to get another funnel cake." I lied.

He nodded and continued to watch TV ." Compare your feelings on Ravaughn on against your feelings on Julia."

That caught me by surprise. I leaned up to mute the TV and got comfortable. " Well , I personally thought Ravaughn was the best. Y'all had been through everything and she held you down through it all. She understood your lifestyle and wasn't bitchy about everything." I sighed." Julia is a nobody and is really annoying , she doesn't care about you or your kids if you ask me.  She stay being a big ass cry bsby , like we all suppose to cater to her every need."

"Well you do because August himself told me I was the woman of the house and everything I say goes." Julia said sitting on August lap.

" You might be right about August saying that , but I can bet you all the money in the world I wouldn't listen to you if my life depended on it." I replied. " Because the last time I checked my brothers name was on everything NOT yours."

"Babe you gonna lrt this little brat talk to me like that?" Julia asked August.

He shrugged." That little brat is my sister and she's speaking the truth."

I smirked as I got up from the couch and headed into my room. I sat ay the computer desk and searched Julia's name in the system.

"Julia Equasha Goins , 39 , and divorced mother of 2.  Released from prison 2 years ago from sexually harassing children , and possession of drugs and weapons. " I read to myself ."  Daughter of  Leroy Jones and Sheryl Hoskins  , sister to Ravaughn Lewis , Tika 'Marie , and Reginald Lewis. " I continued .

I shook my head and began printing out the information . I folded it up and put it in a box sliding it under my bed. I walked down the stairs and stared at her as she stared at me back. I smirked and winked as I continued to walk.

Bruh , this chick here gone wish she never got released. Cause I'm bout to make her life a living fucking hell , but trust me I ain't doing this alone.

( Unknown POV )

I sat looking at the papers and watching the videos my sister gave to me. You'd think after this bitch got arrested for doing the things she did she'd stop.  I guess not though , she's gonna get what's coming to her though.

That young buck August is about 21 -22 and she's almost 20 years older than his ass. My lesson to all you females out there is to never use your looks and body for money , or to play someone. Because at the end of the day you'll be the one hurt.

" We gotta get this bitch sis ." I said stopping the video.

" How man ? She's smart ."

I chuckled ." She's smart I agree , but we're smarter . Think about it with Gabbi in the house with her and the info we already got we bout 5 steps ahead of her already."

She nodded ." I guess ."

"When we finish her ass , everything will be close  to being back perfect and we can explain everything."

( Back To Gabbi )

"Yoo Gabster wassup with you ?" Trey dapped me , as he stepped out on his porch.

" Tremaine we have a problem and I realky need your help with this."

" You came here alone lil mama?"

I nodded and followed him into thr house and in the livingroom ." Liyah here ?",

"No she gone . Why you seem out of it ?" He asked.

I put the paper down on the table and slid it to him , waiting for him to pick it up. He read it and then dropped it down slowly looking up at me. " What is this?"

"August asked how I felt about her today and she wanted to put her 2 cent in. I walked to my room and searched her up , and this is what I found , wicked right?"

He nodded slowly." Why you here though and not showing August ?"

" Tremaine look there's someone here to make everything right . But they don't need August help. I didn't ask Chris cause his mouth will never stay closed." I said." Plus you showing this to August , would get more belief than me."

"You really want this girl gone huh ?" Tremaine laughed.

I laughed with him ." You don't even know."

"So who is this person ?"

I stopped laughing and looked at him as he looked at me seriously. My pslms started  to sweat and beads of sweat began forming on my forehead ." Promise not to say anything."

"I promise ."

"Alright , Tremaine the person is . . . . . "


Cliffhanger y'all . Yes it is short but that's because the next chapter will be longer than what I usually make them.

Who's mr/mrs mysterious ?

Aren't y'all just loving Gabbi?

Julia background info though ?

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