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☾ °☆ . * ● ¸ . ★

bonnie used her magic to slam jocelyn's frame into the wall forcefully in response to her words of their grandmother. jocelyn's head came into contact with the wall, a groan falling from the siphoner a second later.

bonnie then broke klaus' hand once again, not missing the blood that began to drip from her nose. "i want you to suffer."

"look at you." klaus was breathing heavily, a shallow laugh slipping from his lips. "is that all you got?"

bonnie quickly wiped the blood from her nose, forcing jocelyn to stay in place against the wall once again. "let's find out."

"for fuck sakes." jocelyn mumbled, feeling her head throb from the collision against the wall just moments beforehand.

bonnie's magic caused the lights in the room to explode, klaus falling to the ground a second later as his leg was magically broken. papers began to fly carelessly around the room, jocelyn watching the bennett witch come closer and closer to dying.

"i blame you, bonnie. and i blame elena. damon. stefan. i blame you all and you'll get what's coming for you." jocelyn taunted breathlessly. "that's why i'm doing what i'm doing. i took an opportunity as it came. i don't care who falls in the crossfire."

bonnie's nose was now oozing blood, her words coming out barely above a whisper. "i never wanted to take her from you, jocelyn. she was my grandmother too. i was doing what i thought was best— for everyone. i never meant to hurt you."

"you did what was best for elena, bonnie. just as you are now. going on a suicide mission for a girl who's going to die either way it goes. from the hands of klaus himself, or me."

klaus took his chance to stand to his feet, but was quickly tumbling to the ground once again when bonnie broke his leg for the second time. klaus let out a groan as elena and stefan made their way to the room's entrance before stopping in their tracks.

"bonnie, no!" elena screamed out desperately, watching as the doors slammed shut before either could take a step into the room.

bonnie ignored stefan and elena's pleas and rather glanced back to the man, using her magic to break more bones of his. the rest of the lights began to explode, jocelyn only being able to watch. the siphoner was in shock, not being able to grasp that bonnie would genuinely lay down her life in order to save the doppelgänger.

bonnie spared elena one final look before her gaze fell back onto her sister, a sad smile gracing her lips. "i'm sorry, jocelyn."

the vending machines then exploded, sparks flying chaotically around the room as jocelyn pressed her palms against the barrier, the red aura shining brightly. bonnie had never once apologized in any shape or form and hearing the sincerity from her sister forced tears to brim the siphoner's eyes. klaus made his way towards the bennett witch just as bonnie fell backwards abruptly, the power finally overtaking the girl.

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