Friends to Lovers Pt. 4

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After sitting on the floor for quite some time, my stomach rumbled and I decided it was time for dinner. Finding my way to the cafeteria, I got in line, waiting to get food. A few people before me stood Tyler. He catched my eye while looking around, but turned around instantly. Probably still scared of Eric after what happened earlier.
The line moved slowly and I had to wait over ten minutes to get a cheeseburger and some fries. The old lady, serving dinner kindly smiled at me before handing me my plate. Her face resembled one I once knew, but I couldn't place it directly.
Moving out of the line, I walked straight towards Xavier and Lucy. As soon as I sat down, Xavier hugged me by the shoulder and whispered in my ear. "You sure you have a date with Four and not with Eric? He won't stop looking at you." I glanced towards the leaders table, and without a doubt, Eric was openly staring at me. He didn't even bother looking away after I returned his stare.
"Forget him. And I already had my, what you call date, with Four." I broke eye contact and focused on my food.
"What did he want to talk about?" Xavier excited took my hand and squeezed the living hell out of it.
"Bloody hell Xavier, I still need my hand!" Xavier rolled his eyes, but let go. Still, he looked at me, waiting to continue. "He asked me how I was doing in training and if I needed help. He is, apparently, concerned because most of the guys make fun of me." The lie slipped off my tongue without hesitation. Well, I knew I wouldn't belong to Candor. Xavier eyed me suspiciously but didn't ask. For now.

After dinner we went back to the dorms, ready for a good nights sleep. Lucy and I walked over to the sinks to wash our faces, while Xavier staid on his bed. What I didn't expect was that Xavier moved our beds together while I was away. "Now we can cuddle at night!" He had a giant grin on his face while I had troubles closing my mouth. Lucy stood beside me, looking more shocked than I.
"How sweet. Good night." Lucy sounded mad, but before I could say something, she turned around and walked to the front of the room, where her bed waited for her.
Xavier, completely oblivious to Lucys reaction, took my hand and pulled me down onto the bed.
"Let's sleep. I'm tired as shit!"

As soon as I opened the front door, I could hear my parents shout at each other. Without making myself known, I fled up the stairs to the room I shared with my older sister. She sat by the window, looking at the children in Erudite school uniforms, running home. Most of them already greeted at the front door. They returned to happy homes, we, we returned to a home filled with screaming and anger. With tears and sobs. We never had the chance to get a happy family, a loving one.
My father continued screaming downstairs, my mother sobbed, pleading for forgiveness for something that she did. 
I put my schoolbag on the ground and turned, facing the door.
"Don't. You know what happens if you interfere." My sister didn't even look at me. I knew what would happen if I went down there, so I didn't.
I sat on my bed and my sister sat down beside me. "Why us?" She didn't answer. She only hugged me and let me cry on her shoulder.
Later in the evening my mother came upstairs and we helped her clean up her wounds. After that we all went to sleep.
The next morning I woke up to find my mother and my sister gone. I never saw them again.

I was awake without knowing exactly what woke me. It took a few seconds for me to remember the dream, or better said the memory. Xavier, who had his back turned towards me, rolled over and took my hand.
"It's okay." He was wide awake and looked at me. I only nodded and turned on my side to look at him. He took my other hand and pulled me towards me.
"I guess you don't want to talk about it, but it's okay." Our foreheads touched and I nodded again.
He continued talking quietly while I slowly fell asleep.

"Wake up! You have five minutes to get dressed! We're going for a run!" Four stood on the last stair, looking at all of us. Everybody scrambled out of their bed and began putting on their clothes. Xavier and I huffed and got out of bed too.
All of us managed to put on their clothes in the five minutes Four gave us. As soon as we were ready Four began jogging and we all followed him. Xavier and I began as the last ones, but soon managed to get to the front, along with Four. We jogged through the city, past the main hall where the choosing ceremony took place and through Abnegation. We took a shortcut through some side streets near Erudite and continued through the city.
We rounded a corner and saw a Dauntless troop, waving around their guns in front of some factionless. Eric was there too.
As soon as he noticed us, he came over.
"What's the problem?" Four looked at the factionless that argued with the Dauntless soldiers.
"Just some factionless occupying a building they shouldn't occupy. Nothing major." His voice was cold as always, still, the disgust clearly hearable within it made me shiver.
Of course, factionless were weak and sometimes traitors, but they were still people. They were human beings, just like him and me.
"The way they treat them is unfair." Originally I wanted to think that, but somehow it came out as a quiet mumble. Xavier looked at me with wide eyes and quickly glanced at Eric and Four, obviously hoping they didn't hear what I just said.
They didn't. They kept on talking for a few minutes, after that we continued our run.

Most of us were breathing heavily when we arrived back at the Dauntless compound. The asked for a timeout to relax a bit, but Four was having none of it.
Today began the real training. We partnered up and tried the basic moves he showed us against each other. Of course, Xavier asked me to be his training partner and I could feel Lucys jealous glares all day.
We trained for a few hours, Four walking through the room and correcting our posture and the way we hit. Right when all of us wanted to go get lunch, Eric walked in, looking pissed.
"I want to see a fight! First jumper and last!"
Xavier turned towards me, looking sacred. I, myself couldn't keep my breath from catching in my throat.
"What are you waiting for?! Get on the mat!" Eric stood beside the mat, his arms crossed over his chest. I carefully stepped onto the mat and found myself face to face with Jax, the boy from Amity. He was at least two heads taller than me and a lot stronger from the work in his old faction. I could never win this fight.
"Get ready!" Both of us got ready to attack and waited for the signal. "Go!"

I knew that this was supposed to be a fight, but I didn't expect Jax to lunge at me as soon as the start word left Erics mouth. I was able to dodge the blow at the very last second and roll to the side. This went on for quite a while until he finally managed to land a blow. He threw me backwards and I landed on the mat. It knocked the breath out of me. For something that felt so soft beneath my feet, it was really hard on my back.
Jax looked at Eric, unsure of what to do next. Rubbing my left cheek I slowly stood up again. Jaxs back was turned on me, I knew I should use this to my advantage, but that would have been to easy.
"Finish this." Jax turned back towards me and I could see the pain in his eyes. He didn't want to hurt me, or anyone for that matter, but this was Dauntless and this is what Dauntless do.
He tried to punch me again, but I ducked under him and kicked him in the back. He fell onto the mat and I instantly sat down on top of him, locking his arms and feet under my body.
"I'm so sorry." I could swear he smiled at me before I knocked him out. His head fell to the right and a soaring pain shot through my hand. Swearing I got off Jax and Four and two other boys carried his body out of the training room. I slowly followed them, holding my right hand with my left one.
"Where do you think you're going?" Erics cold voice could be heard behind me.
I ignored him and kept on walking. "(Y/N)! Stop right now!" He grabbed my arm and turned me around. "What?!" I glared at him, wishing that looks could kill.
"I asked you where you were going." He obviously tried to calm himself down. Still the guy with the short temper. "To the infirmary. I hurt my hand." I showed him my hand and with an unusual gentle touch, I only knew from the old him, he took it and examined it. Just as careful and gentle as he took it, he let it go a few minutes later.
"Okay, you can go. But next time ask before you leave, okay?" I nodded as a response and turned to again. "(Y/N), I..." His voice wasn't cold anymore, it was sad and pained. I looked at him over my shoulder. As soon as I catched his eyes, he looked away again.
"I know Eric. But that doesn't mean I understand. I mean, I don't even want to understand it! You left me! You left me with that monster and you knew it! Why? Why?! Fuck not wanting to know it! I want to know why!" I didn't even notice that I hit his chest with my left hand. He immediately pressed me against his body, to keep me from hitting him. 
"(Y/N)...calm down. Here is neither the right mo..." Before he could continue, he let go of me and his hard façade came back as he stared behind me.
"(Y/N)? Is everything okay?" Four stood behind us in the hallway. No wonder Eric played his part again. "Everything's perfect Four. Take her to the infirmary." He turned around without giving me another glance.
"(Y/N)? You cried, what's wrong?" Four was really concerned. "Just my hand." He nodded as if he really believed me. But he didn't and I knew it. Still, he was way too nice to keep talking about it.

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