Chapter Ten

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A/N: Im crying right now. Thank you to all who still reads this book. I mean seriously 1k reads 😂😭💕. I will promise that I will give you best chapters. Oh God. Okay, heres another chapter. Enjoy!

The Missing Daughter of Harry Styles

Chapter Ten

Darcy/ Dary's POV

I was awoken by slightly pushed by Lawrence. I flutter my eyes open.

"Good Morning babe, You need to shower and change. Today is the day. Now get up" Lawrence said then I sat up but then I went back to bed. "No, no, no. You must get ready" He said while pulling me up.

"I don't want to" I whined.

"If you wont get up we'll leave you behind. Were getting breakfast at McDonalds" He warned then I got up and rush straight to the bathroom.

I showered, blow dried my hair, brushed my teeth and hair then I went out. I opened my closet and picked and outfit.

"I decided to wear my black jeans, white laced sweater and heels. I put on my white beanie on my head. I didn't bother putting make up on since I don't like putting any. I checked my reflection then smiled.

I shoved my wallet and phone in my purse then I went down. Everyone was there. Lucas and the others were carrying boxes.

"Whats in the boxes?" I asked.

"Its your campaign materials dear. Now lets go get breakfast" Auntie Nicole said then we went to the cars.

When we got there we immediately sat in a big table. Everyone ordered pancakes and hot choco. When our order was there we started eating. After eating we went to school.

"Bye boys! Good luck in your meetings!" Auntie Eleanor said while hugging Uncle Louis so as the others. Then we went inside.

While walking down the halls everyone were squealing, staring, and whispering.

'Omg! Eleanor Calder and Barbara Palvin'

'Look its Perrie Edwards!'

'Girls of Direction!'

'They are so perfect!'

"Whoa" I said while still walking. When we got to the our table the boys placed the boxes. Then the girls started doing what needs to be done.

"Boys! Place these flyers everywhere. Im mean everywhere" Auntie Barbara said then the boys nod.

"Heres what you need to do Dary. You will say 'Dary Dickinson for school dance queen' then smiled sweetly" Auntie Perrie said then I nod.

"Alicia Williams for school dance queen" Alicia said while giving the others papers. She was winking. When she saw me she glared.

"Dont let that whore win Dary" Colleen said.

"When did you got here?!" I said startled.

"Just now. Im going to help!" She said excitedly. "Hi Aunties!" She greeted the girls.

"Hey Colleen! How's your dad?" Auntie Eleanor said.

"He's doing fine. I heard that One Direction has an upcoming merchandize again" Colleen smiled.

"Yeah. Send our thanks and regards to you Dad and Mom" Auntie Nicole said smiling.

"My Dad is one of the management while my mom is Dad's assistant" Colleen explained. "Thats why Im close to the boys" She added.

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