Chapter 18 - Family Lost

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I looked around slightly dazed as everyone asked question over the top of each other. I couldn't concentrate and lost it.

"Alright shut up! Yes I am Trickster the avenger, and I got that position from my time at SHEILD. I was already put down as one before he came back. Now please one at a time." 

"Why did they want you on the team if you were only human?" Derek asked and I rolled my eyes.

"For a start Black Widow and Hawkeye are human yet they could take down the lot of you single-handedly.  And I exceled in training, so I was put down as a potential. I'm not the same scrawny kid you all knew as 'the human'." 

"So you know all the avengers!" I laugh at Corey's excitement. 

"Yeah I know them all, though my favourite has to be Black Widow, she trained me." I noticed Scott, Lydia and Malia kept very quiet. I continued to answer a few more questions, mainly from Liam, Corey and Mason but soon after people had to go for various reasons. All who were left were the Hales, Scott, Lydia and Malia. They all looked at me either with annoyance or confusion except for Peter who was surprised.

"What's up?"

"You're so different. It's like we barely know you. You've with us for over two hours and you've barely made a joke." Scott speaks up after an awkward moment of silence. 

"Of course I'm going to be different. I'm finally not the weak one, and I fought in a battle against aliens and...I lost the last bit of my family." I looked down sad, trying not to think about my uncles body, they way he crumpled to the ground.

"You still have us. And you still have your dad." All traces of sadness was erased immediately as Malia spoke. I snapped my head up to look at her, anger overcoming my face.

"You think I want to speak or even see Noah? He is the reason I ran out of Beacon Hills. He is not my dad!" Everyone looked taken back from my outburst. "Sorry." I mumbled.

"You're right, you have changed." Scott muttered walking off, dragging Malia with him and Lydia soon followed. Great just the Hales.

"You like yourself better this way don't you? the power and strength that you didn't have before. You like having it." I nodded at Derek. "With the nogitsune inside you, you could either be really bad or really good. Choose wisely." He then walked off in the opposite direction from everyone else to wherever the hell he lives these days. I wonder if he will ever get a proper house. I see Peter smirking at me.

"I knew the first time I offered you the bite."

"Knew what?" I asked annoyed with him even being near me.

"That you would be a great fighter, cause you don't give up, no matter what the cost is. You would make a vicious werewolf, I wonder how you will be as a fox." I walked up to him and punched him in the face. 

"You have no idea what I can do. I should kill you." He looked back to me with a bleeding nose.

"But you won't, because of Scott." I grit my teeth, knowing he was right. He smirked again and that set me off. I kicked his legs, sending him to the ground. He came back up wolfed out and pissed. Now it was my time to smirk. 

We took turns swinging punches and I finally got one right in the stomach that sent him stumbling  backwards. I punched his jaw and knocked him to the ground. 

Don't kill, harm

I listened to the voice in my head and continued to punch and kick while he was down. I only stopped when someone grabbed my arm. I jumped at them and pinned them to a tree. It was Scott. I let him go and saw most of the pack behind me, looking at me in horror. I wiped the blood that was running down from my nose.

"Stiles? What are you doing?" Scott asked my bewildered. 

"It's not like he didn't deserve it." Theo helped Peter up, who was already healing a bit. "Anyway, I wasn't going to kill him, just harm." I walked off, noticing the look in everyone's eyes. They didn't recognise me. 

"Stiles!" I stopped and look back at Lydia. "I think you should leave." Tears clouded my eyes as I looked at the women I had always loved. I couldn't bare it any longer and simply nodded. 

I ran. 

I ran away from Beacon Hills, again.

I had made it to the sign that marked the land as Beacon Hills when I broke down crying. I had no one, and no one wanted me. 

I could go back to Washington D.C but what would I do? Work at a café for the rest of my life? There was on way in hell I was going back to SHEILD. There were too many secrets there. 

I slowly slide down, with my back to the sing, sobbing. I didn't hear a car stopping on the road next to me so it scared me when someone touched my shoulder. I looked up to see someone I was trying to avoid.

"What do you want?" I say, drying my tears.

"I want my son back." I scoffed.

"You lost him when you shot him." I hear him sigh.

"And I will never be able to live with myself for what I did. But I need to know that you are alright." I didn't respond. "Stiles, I heard about Phil." 

"NO!" I stand up now, talking right to his face. "You do not get to say how sorry you are and how you want to make things right. You broke our family. You weren't there when he died." I slowly lost my anger and just broke down sobbing once more. In my weak state I let him wrap his arms around me,  comforting me. 

"I know you aren't going to stay here, and I think you'd be better without me. But-" I pull away, out of the hug.

"Just stop. I wish I never came back. Then at least the pack might think me as a human, safe and sound with my uncle. Now they don't trust me, don't recognise me, don't want to know me. Nobody wants me!" My outburst was cut off by my phone going off. I sighed, quickly wiped my tears and answered.

"Who is it?"

"Stiles, it's me Romanoff. Cap and I need your help."

 "I'm in California right now, I can leave tomorrow. What's it about?"

"HYDRA has been inside SHEILD this whole time. They're coming after us and we need your help."

"Where do I meet you?"

"Do you know Sam Wilson? His house."

"Yeah I know him. I'll be there as quick as possible with my suit." I hang up and turn to my father.

"You gotta go?" I nod. "Be safe." 

"When am I ever safe." 

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