59. Asgard

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I woke up with a view of Asgard. Bruce and I got out of her seats to see it in it's full . " I never thought I'd be back here." Brunnhilde said. 

" I never thought I'd be here." I told everyone. 

" I thought it'd be a lot nicer." Bruce added " I mean, not... not that it's not nice. It's just, it's... it's on fire." He was right, something was seriously wrong, just like we expected. 

" Here, up here in the mountains. Heat signatures. People clustered together. She's coming for them." Brunn said pointing at a screen. 

" Okay, drop me off at the palace and I'll draw her away." Thor told her. 

" And get yourself killed?" she asked. 

" The people trapped down there are all that matters. While I'm dealing with Hela, I need you three to help get everyone off Asgard." he told us. 

" How the hell are we supposed to do that?" Bruce asked. 

" I have a man on the ground." Thor told us. Heimdall.

We landed on the steps of the palace. " Here, every ship has a gun." Thor said putting one down. 

" I'll take it from here." Brunn told him. 

" I found, uh, this in the armory." Thor said handing her a bunch of clothes " Good luck." 

" Your Majesty... " she said while we were taking off " Don't die. You know what I mean." 

" What's that?" I asked her mentioning the clothes. 

" My gear." she smiled. While Bruce flew the ship she started to put it on, it was beautiful. I helped her put up the gun and we were ready to go. Flying towards the bridge I saw the Asgardians making their way to the Bifrost, but a massive black wolf blocked their way. Brunn started shooting at it. But on the other side of the bridge, an army showed up, blocking the Asgardians on that side as well. 

"That stupid dog won't die." Brunn yelled. 

Bruce flew closer to the bridge, " Everything's gonna be alright now." he said " I got this, you wanted to know who I am." Was he gonna Hulk out? 

" What the hell are you talking about?" she asked confused. 

" You'll see." he said and fell down towards the bridge. But he didn't hulk out, he landed right on his face. He was lying there lifeless. 

" What's happening?" she asked me, still confused. 

" You'll see." I smiled, knowing he was gonna come out. And I was right, he grabbed the dog by his tail and fell off the bridge with it. 

" He's the Hulk." I smiled. But the ship was being attacked by the guards, making the ship crash down on the bridge. I got out of it and made my way towards the Asgardians. 

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