Little less pride

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Lance's pov

He was hungry and angry, so the best place to go was obviously home. Lance was sure that his mom left him the leftovers from the breakfast and put them in the upper shelf of the fridge. The only thing that could cause danger to his food, was not a thing, but person. Veronica despite being older than him, used to take all of the peppers out of her meal and put them on Lance's plate thinking that he didn't notice. Another thing happened when he had something tasty, his sister once ate his food stashed by him in the shelf, nobody was supposed to know about it, but she always found her way. Even Marco wasn't as bad as Veronica, when it came to food.

When he came home there was no one to greet him, so Lance thought that he was home alone and that his meal was still untouched. He entered the kitchen. No one was in sight, so he strolled over to fridge and opened it. McLain sighted, when he saw the empty shelf. That meant only one thing, he needed to prepare food himself. He wasn't the worst cook the galaxy had even known, but also he wasn't as good as his friend Hunk, whose cookies were delicious, just like everything else he baked, or cooked.

Lance poured himself some milk and then put two eggs on the pan. He wasn't in the best mood so poor eggs, landed on the pan's surface with a splash.

When he was barely done with his breakfast he took a glass of milk in his hand to drink it.

"Aren't you supposed to be training?"

He jumped out of his skin, spilling milk all over the floor.

"Veronica!" Lance shouted at his sister while running for the dish rug. Maybe it wasn't suppose to be used to clean the floor, but McLain didn't think much that moment.

"Woah. Calm down."

"I'm calm!" He screeched wildly wiping the floor. His mum paid a lot of attention to the state of the kitchen. The rest of the house could be messy, but not the room where food was prepared.

"What's wrong?"

"I'd rather not talk about it."


"Where is mum anyway?"

"She is at the shop."

"Like right now?"

"Yes. So would you mind telling me what happened."

"Nothing happened."

"Lance I'm your sister, I know you." She gave him a look, which she probably picked up from their mother and the tone of her voice made Lance want to tell her everything.

"I fell."

"What do you mean?"

"I literally fell off the motorbike."

"Oh my good, are you okay?" She immediately walked over to him and and squeezed his cheeks, like she wanted to make sure that his face was okay. Sometimes Veronica acted like a great older sister.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. Stop touching me." He slightly shoved her so they would stay a little further and smiled. It was nice of Veronica to act for once like she cared, despite that she probably ate his breakfast he wasn't even irritated.

"So what exactly happened?"

"Well I made a bet with Keith, the one who wins the short race decides of the way our training are held and how do they look. And I didn't want to lose, so I sped up while turning right and I kind off lost my balance, and flew in the air. Keith said that I was lucky, because actually I didn't get hurt."


"What but?"

"I saw the incoming but."

"But it's not about me falling. I fell like I humiliated my self in the eyes of Allura, Lotor and Keith."

"Everyone makes mistakes, that's what makes us human. For example Hamilton cheated on his wife."

"That was like super rude and I don't think that it has a lot to do with our present situation."

"Yeah, you're right, maybe it was a wrong example. Anyway you have a right to make mistakes, and to make them all over again."

He found a lot of fondness in his sister's soft smile and bright eyes, which in that moment looked like she stole them from their mother. Veronica was sometimes amazing and despite all of their fights, siblings were very close. So he just pulled her into a hug.

"Thank you, big sis."

"Anything for my little bro." He heard her response and chuckled.

"Wow that was very nice of you." Lance came back to acting cocky, which meant normally by his standards.

"And I'm even nicer, because I'm going to cheer you up." She turned around and walked out of the room only to come back with something in her hand. She opened it so Lance could see what was inside.

"A ten dollars?"

"Ten dollar founding father..." s
She tried to sound professionally, but it didn't work out.

"You have no idea how to rap this properly, anyway why are you giving me ten dollars."

"Like I told you, I need to cheer you up. Sadly for you I have to tutor some girl this evening, so I cannot be there for you, but I can give you ten dollars and show you on the google maps how to reach Arcade."

"I know how to reach it... Wait, but those ten dollars... It's not that much. I will spend all of this."

"Lance, it was an older sister's gesture, don't take all of it's sensitivity away by saying it's not enough. I thought that it was clear to you that you need to pay the rest."

"Maybe." He mumbled and suddenly he felt in his nostrils an unusual smell. It was like... maybe eggs, but also like something was burning.

"Quiznak! My breakfast!" He dashed through the kitchen and found himself staring blindly at the pan. He pretended a sob. "It's dead Veronica. My breakfast died."

Hey loves
I'm so sorry for the short chapters, but I try to publish them twice a week and I usually don't have much time to write

Anyway give me your opinions ❤️💙

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