{Artoria x fem reader}

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"Why is there a cat in the house!"my brother Lancelot yelled at me "I don't know I was just walking back from working at the bar when I saw the cat staring at me,I got scared and ran but the cat was able to follow me home okay so don't yelled at me!"I said yelling back at Lancelot.Lancelot sighed "can I trust you to take care of the cat?"I nodded my head "of course I can I already fed it food"Lancelot gave me a confused look but didn't say anything "I'm going to bed alright don't do anything stupid with the cat"Lancelot said walking to his room "I won't"I replied,I heard Lancelot close his bedroom door I sighed and looked at the cat "so you are a girl?"I asked the cat the animal nodded her head "well we should get going to sleep come on"I said getting up off the floor and started walking to my room the cat followed me to my room to sleep with me.

I woke up to something heavy on me what I remembered is that the cat fell asleep on top of me and the cat is pretty light so why do I feel something heavy on me?,I tried to move but couldn't I groaned I was able to slightly sit up I heard a meow thinking it was the cat it was fine until the cat moved from underneath the covers.

Instead of a cat it was a fucking girl with cat ears and a tail naked on top of me!,I felt my face heat up how wait what how did this happen how!.I don't remember bringing home a girl I just stared at the girl that was in front of me,she must of saw my face go red cause she brought her face close to my cheek and licked it holy shit this girl is a fucking cat!.she was about to do something else until my brother knocked on my door "(Y/N) are you up it's me your brother Lancelot"I didn't answer I was freaking out my brother opened the door,I jumped on top of her to hide her from my brother with the covers.

"H-hey bro what's up yeah I'm up just so you know I won't be at work for today so I will take care of the house okay have a good time at work"I said laughing nervously Lancelot gave me a confused face but said goodbye to me and closed my door,I waited till I heard the front door close once I did I sighed and looked below me from underneath the covers.

The girl stared at me I got myself off of her and looked though my closet to at least find her a shirt to wear,I found a blue T-shirt for her to wear I tossed it to her she grabbed the shirt and put it up to her face then pulled the shirt over her face.I sat down facing her "so what exactly are you?"I asked pointing at her ears she tilted her head confused "I'm a cat I'm the cat that followed you home yesterday"she said I got more confused,"wait but you are a girl the cat that followed me was a cat!,so your saying that you can switch between your human form and cat form?"I asked not quite sure about what I just say she nodded her head completely right for what I just said.

"So what's your name?"I asked "my name is Artoria pendragon"the cat answered my question,"can I ask you an question artoria?"I asked she nodded her head "so why did you follow me?"I asked wondering why did she follow me.it took her a couple minutes to answer "because I want you to be my master and mate"artoria answered my question bringing her face a little bit close to mines,"wait wait! You want me to be your mate and master!"I asked quite surprised artoria nodded her head I sighed this is going to be an interesting journey.

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