chapter sixteen: start of filming

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The days of filming had finally arrived and I was so ready. I got all my stuff ready and headed out. They only needed the main cast today, since we were trying to get the scenes that would be in the trailer done.

I arrived to the large outdoor area outside the warehouse that would be our set. It was about forty minutes from my house, and it was in LA.
I arrived with coffee for the cast and walked in. I spotted them all in a lounge area with our director, possibly waiting on me.

"There she is!" Our director said and standing up, hugging me. I was greeted with the smiling faces of Daya, Tom, Tony, Jacob, and Laura.

"Hello!" I said and put my bag down, handing out the coffees that Tom and Zendaya told me they liked.

They all thanked me and I sat down. All the filming helpers surrounded the set and we talked about how filming would go, and how fun it would be.

"Now, finally, welcome to Spider-man: Homecoming!" The director yelled and everyone cheered.

I was lead and people showed me the makeup room, where we would get the movie makeup and special affects done. They showed me the lounge, and some of the rooms where I'd be filming.

Lastly, they showed me my trailer which was quite large. In it was a closet, which contained almost all of my outfits for the movie, and shoes/accessories.

It also had a small bathroom in the very end. Towards the front was a couch and a small kitchen-like area. The couch could pull out into a bed.

In the middle was a mirror where I would be doing my own makeup, that would be simple like everyday makeup. Also, everyone needs a mirror, so why not.

They gave us awhile to make it our own, so I unpacked some things I brought in my bag. It consisted of some snacks, coffee bags, makeup, and a blanket. I came prepared.

Once we were set up, I headed outside to the area where the cast was hanging out.

"Alright, everybody hop on the golf cart, because we're going to the other filming set." Laura said and got into the driving seat.

Jacob sat next to her, with Tony, Tom, Zendaya and I all in the back.

"Sorry." I laughed and sat on Zendaya's laugh.

"Damnit." She mumbled.

We began driving off to where the producer had told us to go and eventually Zendaya got tired of me.

"Girl, for being so damn skinny you weigh more than I expected." She said and shoved me onto Tom's lap.

I laughed, "Never judge a book by its cover!"

It was a little awkward with Zendaya and Tony awkwardly eye-communicating that Tom had no problem with me on his lap. Almost like we had done it before...

Tom's hands nonchalantly grazed my hips, as he stared off into the road we were driving on.

Laura being a fast driver went a little too fast over the speed bump and I literally nearly fell off.

Tom grabbed my waist, Zendaya my arms, and Tony even reached his arm over to help as I winced in excitement.

"Damn Laura! Is that the fastest you can go?" Jacob joked from seeing my near-death experience.

"I can go faster, if ya want." She shrugged and moved her hand to the stick.

"NO!" We all said in unison and laughed. We got to the set and unloaded, walking in like bunch of delusional hooligans.

"Guys I heard a joke yesterday, but I don't know how to feel about it. It's bad." Tony said as we walked in.

"What?" I asked and glanced over to him.

"What is Hitler's favorite drink?" He said, cringing at the joke. This was about to be bad.

"What?" Jacob asked, questioning it.

"Concentrated juice." He said in a fake German accent, making it sound like 'concentrated jews.'

"Tony whoever said that has a messed up head, you can't just say that." Tom looked down, nodding disapprovingly.

"I know, right!" Tony said to defend himself.

"I have one, I made it up myself." I said proudly. It was a joke from awhile ago.

"Is it good?" Laura asked.

"As long as it isn't Tony's, we'll be fine." Zendaya added with a smirk.

"It's a Christmas joke, though." I said smiling.

"Still say it." Jacob said.

"Why did the snowman get a black eye?" I said and they looked at me weird.

"Why?" Tom asked hesitantly.

"'Cause he looked up the tree's skirt!" I said and we all burst out laughing. Maybe it was the fact that we were all sleep deprived.

Who knows? I don't. All I know is that, that day was the start of a pretty cool squad.

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