Chapter 22

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Taehyung was the first one who approached me back when we were still freshmen. I was so warry because it is my first time here in a big university. It is a lot different from senior high. Everyone was looking at me wierdly, maybe because I chose being a nerd as a front.

I can still remember Tae's boxy smile when he first talked to me. The speaker in our orientation was speaking for about 2 hours now and I kept on mumbling profanities in my seat. That got Taehyung's attention and started laughing at my curses.

"Such a dirty mouth," he commented making me look up at him in alarm.

"Sorry," I mumbled and he chuckled.

"What's your name?" he looked my direction completely ignoring the speaker.

"Hea, Kim Hea,"

"I'm Taehyung, Kim Taehyung," he chuckled offering me his hand.

I accepted his offer of handshake and bowed slightly at him.

"Tae," I breathed.

"Yep," he nodded his head.

Since then, we were inseparable. We also had the same schedules by chance giving us the opprtunity to grow even closer. At first, I only had a little crush on him but as the days go by, it felt a little stronger.

"Hea, Taehyung will be fine," Jin said.

"I need to go find him," I said while I pace the floor.

"I'm sorry Hea, not today. You've accepted a mission from Ms. Rhea. You can't decline that," Jin said standing up.

He grabbed my shoulders making me halt from my pacing. I stared at him with worried eyes but I know I need to do this mission whether I like it or not. I just never thought that Tae would be abducted and now I'm worried. If I only knew that he would be kidnapped, I never should've accepted Ms. Rhea's mission. I nodded at him and sighed in frustration.


I'm trying my best to concenrate on walking. I'm now making my way to Ms. Rhea's target. Her cousin whom I forgot the name. I wasn't even listening to Namjoon when he was explaining the details to me. All I heard was that I need to kill her this night. I'm going to finish this mission tonight as fast as I can so I can find Taehyung and save him.

My feet are now making it's way to her backdoor, my gun on my jean's waist band. Namjoon has already hacked her security system turning off all her cameras and alarms. I easily opened the knob without entering any passcode. I opened the door slowly and into the kitchen.

My eyes memorized every detail of this kitchen just incase I need plan B as an escape. I continued to walk inside and can hear her faint laugh from her room upstairs.

"Oppa, are you sure she's alone?" I whispered to Namjoon on my earpiece.

"Yes, she's alone," He answered.

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