Oil and Water

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Call it the lesser of two evils
Those silver linings getting harder now to find
Why are we fighting for the wheel?
Why can't you walk away?

Sean stumbled into his apartment at close to 2:30 am, trying to make as little noise as possible but failing miserably. He wanted to come home unnoticed, but subtlety flew right out the window with his sloppy, loud steps.

He was about to head to the kitchen when a figure sitting on the couch stopped him dead in his tracks.

"Kaycee...why are you awake?"

Kaycee simply stared at him. "You're drunk, again."

"I am not," Sean began, but his actions betrayed him as he stumbled on his own feet.

"Not drunk, my ass. I'm fucking tired of this, Sean! You didn't even tell me where you went!"

"The afterparty, I told you. For the album because it hit platinum, in case you forgot about that, too," retorted Sean, unable to control himself.

Kaycee marched up to Sean, eyes wild. "In case I forgot? How can I forget when almost every night, you would come home reeking of alcohol? When I would see pictures and videos of you in clubs with girls on your lap practically dry humping you, while you're just licking it all up?"

Sean felt a headache coming on, his head pounding mercilessly. He didn't want to deal with this tonight. Though he knew deep down that picking a fight with her was a stupid move, the liquor still roaring in his bloodstream seemed to ignite a fire in him.

"You're fucking overreacting, as always! Why can't you get that this is all for my career? I have to do what I do, damn it! This is for us, too!"

Kaycee let out a dry laugh. "For us? It's hard to believe that there's even an us anymore, Sean!"

Sean walked away from her and went straight to the kitchen, getting himself a glass of cold water and downing it instantly. He leaned against the counter and closed his eyes, silently willing the fighting to stop.

He felt her presence behind him not long after.

"It's like I don't even know you anymore! Who the fuck are you, Sean?"

Anger coursed through Sean's veins as he abruptly turned towards Kaycee. "I'm the guy you're always telling to go chase his dreams. I'm the guy who's working his ass off, day in and day out, so I could be better for me. For you!"

"Sean, of course I want you to be successful! Of course I want you to fucking go for your dreams, but you've treated me more and more like shit as you got more famous," Kaycee seethed, daring him to argue further.

Sean knew that he had changed. As his music career skyrocketed, he found himself plunging deeper into the crevices of the entertainment world. He was introduced to all kinds of people, from business tycoons to executive producers and other artists in the industry.

As Sean felt the increasing pressure to stay on top of his game, he relied on these connections to not only help him in his career, but to provide him with means of stress relief. What was once temporary vices became permanent habits as Sean frequented clubs, drank more and even flirted with other women.

Sean would spend most of his time with industry people, reassuring Kaycee that this was all for his career and for their future. Kaycee had always supported him, but these past few months had been rocky for the pair as he kept pulling away from her in pursuit of the limelight.

Their first big fight was when Kaycee found out that Sean went to a strip club instead of being at the bar with Julian and Josh as he had told her.

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