Chapter 55

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Tris POV

We have Al's funeral a few days later. I leave early because I can't stand it. everyone is talking about him like he was some great hero who died in battle. I'm sorry but no! He tried to kill me! He couldn't live with himself. He took his own life! That's not brave! That's called being a coward.

Of course I don't say any of these things. In fact I don't speak at all. People think it's because I'm sad, but really I'm just afraid of what I'll say.

I keep thinking of what happened. I saw my mother again,my dead mother. She told me to stick close to my ex. She told me there are people hunting me. What? I call Four and tell him to come over. He's the only one who knows.

I get out my laptop and Four knocks on the door. I shout that it's open and he walks in. "Hey what's wrong?" he asks and I gesture for him to sit down. He does and I begin talking. "Ok well you know the way my mum said there are people looking for me. What does she mean by that?" He thinks for a while and so do i.

Finally he speaks up,"Honestly I don't know. We need to do some research on your parents. Your real ones." I nod and start researching them. Four does the same I his phone but I don't find anything. Everything about them has been deleted. I show Four and he shakes his head. "This may be more serious than we thought."

I exploded at this,"More dangerous than we thought? People are hunting me! They could kill me!" He stares at me before quickly enveloping me in a hug. I start sobbing into his shoulder. "Hey i know. It's ok." he reassures me and I nod sniffling. "Sorry. It's just I'm scared. I'm seeing my dead mother, she's warning me about mysterious people looking for me, and telling me to stay close to my ex. I mean what does this even mean?" He just holds me tighter.

Suddenly an idea pops into my head. I scramble away from Fours embrace, not that I want to. I grab my laptop and search 'Accident kills two council members.' I type in the date of the accident and click on the first link. It takes me to some news page. I quickly scan it but find nothing. I do this a few more times until I come across a really shifty looking website. I try to click on open but it says I need a password. I groan in frustration and Four actually does something other than watch me like a stalker. He reaches for the laptop and starts to type random codes and letters. I don't even know what he's doing.

Soon enough he gets into the website and I begin to read. Then I come across words that make the breath hitch in my throat. 'The plan was successful. The car hit the hidden bump and fell off the bridge. The threats were gotten rid of.'

I show it to Four and he reads it. He stares at me once he reads it, again. "Four, this means that it wasn't an accident. Someone set this up, my parents were murdered." And that's when I feel everything slip away.


Ooo drama! Sorry if these chapters are boring. I might end this story soon but don't worry if I do then there will be a sequel. I may start an original story as well. But I want to know if you guys would read it if I did write a new one. Please just comment if you would and tell me what you thought of this chapter too!

S.O.T.C: Decode by Paramore. I adore Paramore! They're definitely my favourite band! I love all of their music! It's just awesome but this song is definitely one of my favourites. Isn't it from the Twilight soundtrack?

By the way I do not own anything. None if the songs or the characters!

Bye guys! 😊💕

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