- Chapter 66 -

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Margaux stood, still clutching the hand she had snatched away from me. Her face betrayed no fear, nor horror - merely calm.

"My mind is weary," she said in apology to the surrounding crowd, who were watching the odd happenings with wide eyes. "I'll mingle among the guests for a bit. Hopefully my energies will return."

The crowd murmured, several coming forth to inquire after her well-being. Damian helped me up, turning me to face him with gentle hands. But his emotions were far more clear than Marguax's.

"Why did you do that?" he hissed. "Why would you have her look back? Who were you trying to find?"

"Carnickey," I whispered. I felt sick, unable to banish the newfound memories from my mind's eye. The blood, the bone, the screams - so much pain and agony, all by my own hands. But they'd deserved it...didn't they?

All humans deserve it, girl, as soon you'll find. Humans are the scourge upon the earth, and it is we who will cleanse them from it. You, with us, will see the end to Man.

"You should have discussed that with me," Damian said urgently, pulling me back from the crowd that Margaux was gently trying to disentangle herself from. "Just like with Amma, the both of you were endangered by this! Now Amma is ill, what if you had been next-"

"I killed him, Damian." The words scarcely sounded real. Another murder on my hands. And another... and another... uncountable... "I killed James Carnickey. And all the people with him, in that house - his followers, I... I killed them all..."

Damian looked lost for words. "You remember that? You saw that?" I nodded. My throat felt choked, clogged with an emotion I couldn't place. Was it guilt? Shame? Fury? Or all of it at once? Damian grasped my hands, and brought them to his lips - he kissed the fingers that had dug into Carnickey's skull, and bathed in the blood of so many...

"Good riddance to him then," he said. "I've waited years to know that monster is dead." He smiled against my hands, then reached out and gently cupped my face. "You did what I could not. Don't despair from this. We didn't need Carnickey. The world is better without him."

I wanted to sink into him, to cry, to let out all the confusion and fear wrapped up in my chest. I wanted to tell him that now I couldn't protect him, for where would I go, how would I seek answers on my own when the only source of them was dead? I wanted to weep that there was truly no hope for me, no justice, no forgiveness - for I had killed a dozen, if not more, and how was I to live with that memory? But I couldn't weep, not here. Instead I rested my face in his hands for but a moment, and willed the tears away, and tried to stifle the terror growing in me.

Your resignation is admirable, girl. You are ours, and always have been. Your time is coming, so be silent. Soon none of these worries will be in your head anymore.

"Are you alright, love?"

I turned, to see Margaux standing there. She look weary, but she held out our drinks that we had abandoned at the table. I sipped it eagerly, my mouth dry, the cool liquor a relief.

"I would think a woman with the Sight would be wise enough to not attempt such a reading on one who is possessed," Damian said sharply, drawing me close protectively. "Especially among such a crowd."

"I did only as she asked," Margaux said softly. "No harm was meant."

"And no harm was done," I said quickly. "I'm alright. Thank you. Just shaken. I did not remember such things."

"Understandable," Margaux said. "Memories are not always easy. Forgive me, Damian. I truly meant no harm upon her."

"We're not here for party tricks," Damian said, although not unkindly. His fear for me had put him on edge, and he sighed in an effort to calm. "Although I've heard tell you may be able to help us. Is that true?"

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