/TWO/ : The Authority

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Hello guyss sorry kung english yung story na ito pero tagalog talaga dapat itong na to pero nag prapratice ako mag english para masanay ako hahahaha pero sana subaybayan niyo po ako story ko salamat sa lahat ng mga nag babasa nito ngayon sana hindi kayo manosebleed hahahaha


(now everyone be ready to continue the story)

*Now everyone knows that Alex is the last male human in the whole world"

*And Ms. Jessica told to everyone to calm down*

"EVERYONE CALM DOWNN!!! we have an idea to deal with this problem so calm yourselves and go back to your seat please......everyone listen to what Ms. Abigail will tell !!!"

"Everyone calm down like Ms. Jessica said we have an idea to deal with this problem so listen..... We are one nation now so I'll share you the answer of the this problem.....the answer is Mr.Alexander he is the key of this problem do you get my point???......I'm telling to you that we have to reproduce with Mr. Alexander"

*Everyone was shock about the truth*

*And one of the people of the officials stand up and talked*

"Hello everyone I'm Ms. Francesca Anastasia and I think they're right about the solution in our current problem in the world so I think it is the best and the possible way out of our problem"

*Whisper *Whisper *Whisper

*Some of them agreed to what Ms. Francesca said*

"Everyone do you agreed to my answer? So lets make a voting to this solution of our problem....all of the officials must vote on this solutions"

*Then everyone votes*

*Okay everyone please be silence the Officials will count the votes so you can go outside for to eat some snacka while were counting the votes*

*Alex approaches Jessica*

"Ms. Jessica can I talked to you for a moment??"

"Alex Just call me Jessica okay? Please wait for a moment Alex I will go talked to these guys for a minute okay??"

"Oh sure Jessica I'll wait in that corner I want answer in my questions"

"Okay Alex"

*She talked to the officials for about a minute*

*Then she walks towards the direction of Alex*

"So Alex what is your question? Again?"

"Jessica can I ask what is going on here? What are you saying that I'am the last man? What exactly happen after the war Jessica?"

"Alex the truth is ..... I'm sorry to say to you that you are the last man on earth Alex and you are the only hope to survive our Species"

*Alex was stunned for what he heard and one of his eye suddenly starts to cry because now he knows that he just realize that if he is the last man.... He's male friends and family members is gone*

"Alex please sit down the meeting is about to start again to finalize the votes"

*People are entering the meeting are area and starting tl sit one by one*

"Goodafternoon everyone now the votes just finalize.... Listen everyone the result is 89% of our people vote that we need to do this solution and 11% didn't agree well the votes are clear ...majority wins....we are going to proceed for what wr have now and we create an I.d for Alex to recognize himself as a LAST MAN standing to have a authority to reproduce our species and not be extinct from this day onwards Alex have a authority to make pregnant all women in the world.... If he present this I.d to a woman....that woman must to breed to Alex to stay our species not be extinct"

*Clap clap clap clap clap*

"okay Alex here's your I.D....present it whoever you want your first and if she saw this she can't say no whatever it takes"

"uhmm thank you for this Jessica but I have my respect to women so If anyone there who wants to be with me.... Come and talk to me so I can't force such a woman to do that"

*Clap clap clap clap*

"Thank you for all coming here and have a nice afternoon everyone you may now come bacl to your respective houses"

*Then everyone leaves in the meeting area while Alex is coming back as well in his bedroom but one of the girls is waiting for her in his room and Alex didn't know about that....when he reach his front door he heard some noice inside his room....when he opened his door a girl is laying in the floor unconscious"

"Hey are you alright?? Hey wake up... Wake up"

*Alex is trying his best to wake up the girl but the girl didn't wake up so Alex decided to take the girl in his bed to lay her nicely*

*several hours past by and Alex fall asleep then the girl wakes up and he saw Alex is sleeping beside the bed*

"Oh my god Alex is here"

*she was all red when he saw Alex*

*Then an hour past by and the girl is starring in front of Alex face....suddenly Alex wakes up*

"Oh your already awake girl....what is your name.... My name is Alexander Mcqueen you can call me Alex"

*The girl suddenly freak out when Alex talked to her and she is embarrassed because she knows that Alex knows that the girl is starring at him when he wakes up*

"He...Hello A..alex w..wha..what are you doing here? (oh my ghad alex is here I can't believe it... He is here besides me *blush* )"

"hey are you alright girl? Your face is bright red"

"w...wha.. Oh this is nothing, I born like this... I always go red when I wake up ( shocks I need to prove that I born like this or else he will know that I'm embarrassed )

"Okay...are you sure your alright?)

"Yes I'am!" (Yes!!!)

"so what is your name girl?"

"My name?... M..my name is......"

*Sorry for interruption guys hehehe see you in another update .... Stay tuned guys....I'll see you in the next update*

*Hello guys what do you think her name? And what is she doing in alex room? Comment in the comment box guys if you know the answer and then don't forget to vote the story and share thank you everyone for supporting my story.... Stay tuned*

Author: Jichi Yuuki

Aubrey Dayap
Angela Donasco
Ralph Tabelin
Roan Omandam

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2020 ⏰

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