Chapter four

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I finish making everyone dinner in a bliss. The smile on my face won't leave, and my thoughts stay positive. I should be dwelling on the fact my son was taken, but I push those thoughts back not wanting to feel the pain right now.

I move around Bobby's kitchen easily from spending a lot of time here. I set the table as the chicken simmers in the pan with the cheese on it as they sit in the sauce.

"Need any help?" Sam asks, only after clearing his throat. I smile looking up to him before looking back to the table.

"Yeah, can you help me set the table?" I ask looking back to him. His lips twitch up at the side shaking his head slightly.

"Yeah." He says walking over to grab something to put on the table. "You seem in a good mood." He points out. My face heats up as a gasp leaves my lips. I close my eyes for a second going back to his skin against mine.

"Um Elle, are you okay?" Sam asks sounding rather amused. I jump opening my eyes my face feeling on fire.

"Yeah I'm fine, let me go check the chicken and bread." I say before hurrying to the stove. The cheese has melted on the chicken meaning it's done. I smile turning the stove off before checking in the oven. Seeing that the bread is done I turn the oven off a get them out only after grabbing a mit.

"Dean!" I call needing another set of hands. He rushes into the room making me look to him, he has his gun out and pointed.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just need another set of hands." I roll my eyes. He looks to Sam before back to me.

"But Sam is in here." Dean points out. I look to Sam, who is finishing putting the salad on the table.

"Get drinks and put the bread on there. Sam, put plates." I say as I get something to sit the hot pan on the table.

"Yes ma'am." Sam says.

"Something smells good in here." Bobby says walking in. I smile at him knowing this is a good way of taking everyone's mind off of certain things.

"Is Cass joining us?" I ask noticing there are only four plates placed.

"Cass doesn't eat." I hear Sam's voice. I just nod my head wondering how that could be. We finish getting all the food on the table and once that is done everyone takes a seat.

"This looks delicious Elle."

"Thank you." I smile at Bobby.

"So, where did you two end up going?" Sam asks. I feel my cheeks burn at the question making me keep my eyes glued to my plate. Dean clears his throat before saving me.

"Out on a lead. I didn't want the food to go bad, and she was stubborn and wouldn't let me go without her." Dean says easily making me shoot him a glare.

"Hey." I narrow my eyes on him. "I'm not stubborn." I mumble to myself.

"What did you find." Bobby asks hoping for something.

"Jack squat." Dean sighs. We continue eating for a little in a comfortable silence. I can't help but glance at Dean every once and a while. Every time he meets my gaze and I quickly look away. A weird flapping sound takes over the room before Cass appears in the room.

"Dean." He says walking over to the table. Dean looks up to him raising an eyebrow as he fills his mouth with a bite of chicken.

"Cass?" Dean says through the food in his mouth. I shake my head slightly smiling a little to myself.

"I got a lead." Dean stands up turning his back to all of us at the table.

"Well, out with it." Bobby says annoyance in his voice.

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