Chapter 16: New Friends

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"Why're you dressed like that...?" Kendrick asked me on Tuesday morning as I walked into the kitchen, seeing him eating some cereal for his breakfast.

"What's wrong with it?" I frowned, looking down at my outfit. I was wearing black skinny jeans with two zips on both sides of it by the top, with a grey shirt that says no one likes a shady beach and a leather jacket over it. And I had wedges shoes that were grey and white and had four buckles at the front and one around the back; and for the first time, I wore different set of jewelry, black rose earrings and a black rose necklace that had silver lining. I had a beanie in my hand that I'd put on when I get out, but I put it on now to show Kendrick. "What do you think? I'm trying a new look,"

"You look nice," He chuckled. "But it's not exactly you."

"What do you mean?" I asked him, getting a banana from the small bowl on the island table and sitting beside Kendrick at the table.

"You don't normally wear that leather jacket, or dress with full dark colours."

"That is true," I nodded, considering I wear bright stuff mostly. Sometimes I wear dark clothes, but not dark as in black or anything, like a dark blue or green or something.

"So why the new look?" He asked, as he finished his bowl of cereal and got up to wash it in the sink.

"Well because I found these shoes, and they're super cute, and I realized I never wore them, so I found a matching outfit, and then liked this one." I explained to him.

He scoffed, "That's the reason,"

"You don't believe me?" I whined, peeling my banana.

He shook his head, "Not one bit; I think you're just trying to prove to someone that you don't care."

"Well, at least support me on it, thank you." I huffed.

He laughed and waited for me to finish my banana so he could drive to his school and then leave the car with me, considering Jason won't be coming to pick me up. He said that he'll just leave his car with me, and trust me with it to drive to and from school. I had my license and everything, but I was just never trusted with Kendrick's car to drive, and I didn't have my car yet, so I just had it there. But now I finally had a use for it, which to me was pretty awesome. The college he went to was just a ten minute drive away from our house, and from there to my school is just a little over that. I would just be a little late, and wouldn't get to go to my locker, but I had all my books I needed, except for a few text books, but I'm pretty sure I won't need those.

"Okay, make sure you drive safe, look where you're going, stop at stop lights, keep within the speed limit, and be sure to keep the keys on you." Kendrick said, standing by the window of his car while I was sitting in the driver seat, super excited about getting to drive for the first time. Well not literally the first time, when I took the test I obviously had to drive, but this is different, I'm actually on road! Well that doesn't really make sense either, because I was on the road when taking the test as well, it was just - I'm not going to explain this.

"I got it Ken, now go before you keep me here and make me more late," I laughed, starting up the car.

"Okay, but remember, be safe." He told me again, and I nodded and drove off. He waited until I was out of view to go inside the building I think, because he was still there until I couldn't see him anymore. I can't blame him for getting all worried about me, because it is my first time driving on the main road without someone in the car with me and everything. I followed all the precautions he told me though, because it was basically the law. When I reached to school, I parked the car, and took the keys, hooking the key ring on a belt loop on my jeans. I walked into the school building, and as soon as I entered, the bell rang and everyone started getting to their classes. So that's what I did, headed to my first period class.

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