Chapter: 12

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"Are you alright?" I ask as I pull my kids over to me checking over them to see if they are hurt in any way, to my relief they were both fine.  No later a dressed Zavier came over to check as well.

"How about you Em? You used a lot of your energy" he said as he looked over me. "I'm fine I'm just glad we came just in time" I say as I hold his hand to let him know I am fine then let go.

Now was my chance to make the change.

I have them close to me and it was now or never. This has to be done.

My eyes began to tear but I had to be strong. I was doing this for them.

"Mommy?" My sweet angels look at me with worry.  Zavier turns to me in a hurry taking hold of my hands as I smile sadly. Just one kiss, just one. I lean in a pull him to a kiss. It took him by surprise but was quick to respond. I pull away and hug him tightly.

I also pull my kids closer to us. Staying in the same position for a few seconds.

As they are all closer I quickly make a barrier around us but step out from it so only my dear family were there.

"What's going on?" I knew they were confused.

"Don't hate me..." I tell them as a tear flows down my cheek.

"Emma let me out now" Zavier yells as he tries to brake the barrier.

I shake my head as I smile at them. "Just know that I'm doing this for your safety" I say as I plan my hand on the wind barrier.

"Mommy stop let us out!"

"EMMA YOU BETTER NOT BE DOING WHAT IM THINKING! DAMIT EMMA LET US OUT! STOP!"  He kept hitting the barrier each time with much force. I cried but I quickly dried up my tears.

"You won't remember me when I'm done but know that I love you all of you" I look at them one last time before closing my eyes and allowing my full energy to flow through the barrier allowing it to take my image from the mind of my loved ones.



It broke my heart to hear them call out to me. But soon they will forget me and soon the danger that was once here will no longer follow them but me.

"A mother must do what she must to protect her family, even if it means that her family forgets her."

Please don't hate me, forgive me for what I have just done.

Once I have wiped any and all memory of me in their lives I take down the barrier. I look at my family sound asleep on the ground. I gently caress my children's cheek and quickly kiss there foreheads. I turn to look at my mate and sigh as I brush my fingers over his face. I pull away when I see that he was waking up.

I run over to the forest and hide behind a tree as I watch Zavier sit up and look around confused. He saw the bodies of the dead wolves no  to far from where he was. I could tell he was trying to remember what had happened. His eyes cloud over as he comunicated with someone. I then watch as he picks up the kids and walks back inside the house.

But stops and turns to look back as if he feel me watching them. I quickly lean back in the tree allowing my back to slide against the tree so I sit on the ground quietly.

I take a peek and she him scan the forest before heading back to the house.

I can't find my self to leave. What is done is done.

I look us at the sky that is blocked by the trees leaves, the sun's light brakes through. With a heavy heart I got up and began to walk away from the place I once call my home. The place I wished and dreamed to come back to.

I will have to go in order to lead my chapter away from them. It is me who he wants.

"Soon my little wind bird, so you will come back to me"

He would call me that all the time. He knew of my ability to control the wind that is what made me his favorite. But because I was his favorite my treatment was worse, my pain was 10x more horrid that just thinking about it makes me feel....I rather not think of it.

I must make it to Alpha Neil's pack. He said I could got to I'm if ever need anything.

I will ask permission to say in his pack for a little while, so I can come up with a plan.

"Mommy will help you remember"

The memory of my dear kids. Oh but now it is you at will not remember once again. I will come back, that is a promise I will be there to watch them grow and find their mates.

I quickly run as fast as I can in human for so I don't catch any unwanted attention from any boarder watchers. If any of the warriors see me they will report me to Zavier and that is something  that can't happen at the moment.

As I reach the border I look around to make sure no one is around. I leap into the air and shifted in the process as I continue to run all the way to Moon Claws pack.

I ran and ran

I did allow my self to stop. I needed to get father way from my pack. The bond between me and the pack was already weak so it wasn't going to affect any of us to badly.

From what I have heard most of the pack still believes I am dead.

Let's just hope I made the right decision.

They Called Her Forgotten (Being Forgotten Is Like Not Existing At All)Where stories live. Discover now