final chunin exam

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Well, I know you probably wanted to read about my experience training under that one eyed pervert, considering I already know the chidori and am just as fast as Lee already... well too bad.

I stood in line, on fucking time, I had to drag Kakashi by his orange book to get here on time but I'm here.

The line-up is completely different this time around. I'm fighting Naruto first, then after my fight I'm guessing Pedochimaru will attack. I told Kakashi as much so hes hanging out next to the third hokage as a bodyguard, ready for the incoming invasion.

"Let's give it our all, Sasuke! Time to see who's really stronger!" Naruto beamed, his excitement was fucking contagious because soon I was grinning along with him and cracking my knuckles.

"Hell yeah." The proctor yelled begin and we charged each other bare fisted.

Naruto flipped and threw an axe kick, I stopped myself just in time and watched his foot create a crater in the ground. He wasnt done, and instantly shot towards me and started throwing jabs and quick kicks.

I blocked them easily enough until he switched both style and speed on me. He went from something akin to a kickboxer to an MMA fighter bc he caught me just over my eye with a slicing elbow, getting blood in my eye.

"Fucking Canada!" I grunted, and threw a haymaker with my chakra enhanced strength.

He blocked it with his forearms but the force seent him flying back.

As he started to land we both went through a set of handseals.

"Lightning style: Chidori Spear!" Unlike Canon, I took the word spear to heart. An actual spear composed entirely of lightning formed in my palm.

"Wind style: Gale Canon!" The fuck he say???

I threw my spear, and naruto bellowed a ball of wind chakra the size of a beach ball towards me.

My lightning was knocked off course and the wind ball struck me in the chest.

It felt like a car had slammed into me and refused to stop as it skipped me across the ground like a skip rock on the fucking water.

My back impacted the wall, and if not for my jacket increasing my physical abilities I'd probably be out for the count.

I looked up just in time to see Naruto rocketing towards me with a rasengan in hand.

I threw my legs skyward and slid up the wall, using chakra to stick, just as Naruto slammed his attack into the wall.

He was enveloped in a dust cloud from the wall, but then a toward, as big as a house appeared and tried to hit me with its tongue, Naruto stood on its head grinning like the little shit he was.

"Alright then. Time to stop taking it easy on you." I told him, activating my sharingan and drawing my sword.

Naruto slipped on his trench knives and crouched, "Finally! I want you to fight me seriously."

Then he leapt towards me, the Toad vanished a moment later.

We engaged in a deadly dance of blades that probably looked beautiful and somewhat graceful with the combination of our movements and sparks... impressive because all that ran through our minds was 'STAB STAB CUT BLOCK CUT CUT SLICE STAB!'

I leapt over a kick, spinning like a wheel and bringing my sword downward.

Naruto jumped back but he didnt make it out unscathed. His jacket was torn open and a thin cut went down his chest, bleeding slightly.

Then he laughed, "Seems like we're more or less even in taijutsu and ninjutsu."

"Right, so let's pick up where we left off before the chunin exams." I crouched and gathered as much chakra as I could to my hand. Electric energy crackled between my fingers and Naruto raised his own.

I flexed my fist and electricity exploded from my palm, sending arcs of power everywhere.

Naruto soon had a ball of swirling chakra about the size of a baseball in his palm, and he crouched too.


We charged at each other and our jutsu met in a spectacular clash of light and sound.

Everything around us went white and the sound faded away, leaving Naruto and I floating in white nothingness without sound.

He smiled, so I laughed and flipped him off.

Then reality came crashing back and pain flooded my body.

I was embedded in the stone wall beneath the audience, while Naruto was stuck in the other side.

"I declare this match a draw." The proctor said loudly.

Wait the fuck up, I can still fi- I was interrupted from my thoughts when I fell out of the crater in the wall and onto my face.

The crowd lost their minds, having held their breath the entire fight til then they hadn't expected that from chunin hopefulls.


"Ow...." I groaned, sitting up from my position in a hospital bed.

"You're one crazy guy, you know that?" I looked up to see Lee in my room with his arms crossed.

I laughed, "I've been told. What's up bushybrows?"

He looked at me seriously. "How did you know to prepare that water tag so far in advance? Tenten told me you asked for it over a month ago."

"Havent you heard the rumors? I'm psychic thanks to my sharingan I see the future. Want me to read your palm?"

He shook his head, "I know you're lying. No one knows more about the sharingan than Guy-sensei, having been rivals with Kakashi-sensei for years."

I looked at him seriously. "If I hadn't intervened, here is what would've happened. He has a two layered defense, a sand shield that intercepts attacks, and a sand shell to negate damage. You would have trouble with both until you used four of the eight inner gates, even though you can open five. You would kick his ass until trying to finish him off and he'd somehow switch when you closed your eyes from the pain. Once your body gave out he would try to kill you again but only succeed in crippling you. Tsunade of the Sannin would be brought back to the village by Naruto to fix you but you're never the same." I explained, then pressed the nurse button, "Exposition makes me hungry as hell, want a jello?"

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