kill it with fire

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i wrote this a very long time ago, this was my first sorry its super cringy and I hate myself for writing it but other people like it so  im just reposting it-unedited(cause I'm lazy). And yes i know its like that one youtube video where the rolls are reversed we all seen it.

ok so in this story everyone's the fetus version of them selves. fetus jalex, fetus kellin and vic etc.

imagine fetus..

Kellins pov

I walk through the hallways of Jefferson high school in my home town of brice point, Stopping at my locker to get my things before heading home.

I try to avoid all the couples basically mouth fucking eachother in the halls only reminding me that im president of the singel Pringles imma loser.

I get to my locker, grabbing the stuff I need for homework , before quietly walking out to the student parking lot behind the school.

"Ew come on guys!" I say annoyed while walking up to my best friends car. Jack and Alex where going at it against the car AGAIN. I hate seeing them make out,you'd think they could wait till they get home.

Alex broke the kiss and turned around while jack wrapped his arms around alexs waist.

"Awe kellie you really need a boyfriend " Alex said while giggling cause jack was placing small kisses up his neck. I chose to ignore that stupid nick name.

"Whatever can we go?" I said getting into the backseat of the car.

Once we got in the car Alex started blabbing about the gossip he heard today, what else is new?.

"You guys here bout chris?"

"Junior chris? The one with all the tatoos" jack asked.

"Yeah, hes straight " Alex said.

"What! No way" i said in shock. Honestly there went any openly straight kids here at least not in this town.

"Yeah , he came out to his parents last week."

"Oh shit, how his dad's take it? " jack asked letting the curiosity get the best of him. me too, its not everyday someone comes out around here.

"Well...they wasn't happy about it obviously but surprisingly they accepted it"

"Who else knows at school ?" Jack asked cautiously.

"Everyone, Trevor and Tyler already wrote 'breeder' on his car in spray paint. "

Damn, i felt sorry for Christopher . He hasn't came out a full week and hes already getting shit for it. And from tyler and Trevor ! There the power couple of the school, and assholes.

"He's transferring to central. " alex added.

"But thats in the other town..where the heteros are. They'll eat him alive when they find out he has two dads!" Jack yelled. Before stopping infront of my house. I got out of the car, waved jack and alex bye and ran into the house.

"Hey sweetie how was school " i was greeted by my wonderful mom -Rachel , when i walked in the house. She gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Good" i answered.

"Kellin, i thought you where supposed to be at cheerleading try outs?" My other mother Michelle asked from the living room. Shit! Here we go again. I walk into the living room with mom (Rachel) following. "About that.. uh i signed up for the basketball team instead. " i said nervously.

"Basketball? Isn't that a girls sport?" My mother asked in a very unimpressed tone.

"Boy's can play too" i stated with my head down. It was very hard to impress my mother.

"Hmm...well i guess all those cheerleading lessons were a waste of money then huh?"

"Michelle! If he wants to play basketball then let him. I think he'll be great." My mom defended me while kissing my forehead. I smiled at her.

"Go on up stairs sweet heart, dinner will ready at seven" she said before dismissing me to my room.

The first thing i did when i got to my room is what any normal teenage boy dose that has internet access and a hand. I locked the door and went straight to my computer and searched ..well you know.


After that i got kinda curious. So i searched hetero pörn ..just to see what it looks like. ..

(5mins later)

"HOLY SHARK BANDANAS!" I screeched almost falling out of my computer chair.

"KILL IT WITH FIRE!" I yelled Before throwing a clay sculpture i made in third grade at the computer screen. Im not sure if it broke or not cause i ran out the room afterwards.

At dinner me,mom, mother and my little sister Kylie whose 13 where all sitting at the dining room table making conversion.

"I made the football team " Kylie said with the stupidest grin on her face. Of course mother and mom gave her praise for it -show off.

" i saw lady parts today" i said causally. It went silent for what felt like 5mins

"Kellin! How..why!?" My mom yelled.

"Google." I said while eating my mash potatoes.


"Hes straight " my sister teased.

"Shut up no im not i just wanted to see what it looked like." I said throwing a pea at her.

"It was scary so i threw my unitato at it" i added.

"Not the computer i just bought!?" Mother asked angrily.

" the main concern here should be my unitato that ive been having since the third grade!" I countered.

"Kellin i swear to god if there is any damage to that computer im going have Rachel rebirth you!" She yelled.

"Um..okay?" I really didn't know how to respond to that.

She signed "just...just go to your room kellin"

I was done eating anyway. I went upstairs and toke a shower then went to bed.


This is just on the spot, random. Ive been wanted to make a Mpreg for a while but i couldn't think of the concept or plot so i thought of this and had to type it up before i forgot.

So what do you think?..

I hope you kinda understand like whats going on.

this is what kellin looks like in this story-----> fetus kellin

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