Tony Stark-The Love Bug

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My first request from: iamKhrfan123
Hope you like it!

To be perfectly honest, Tony Stark didn't exactly know what he was doing when it came to his love life. All he knew for sure was that there were some pretty good looking women that served as distractions when he needed it.

So, when you came along, he didn't quite know what to do. The feelings he would get around you weren't something he could explain because it was his first time feeling them.
His heart would pound ridiculously fast, his usually smooth way of talking would be ruined by incomprehensible stuttering and his hands would tremble with the slightest shake in the desperate need to hold you.

You, of course, had absolutely no idea.

Which was amusing to the rest of the team whenever you came around and turned the high-and-mighty Tony Stark into a stammering, sweaty mess. Clint could see how much it was bothering Tony and it surprised him that he had fallen hard for a young woman like you.

He usually went for the bold and snooty type of girls that liked to boast about their one night stands with him and feed it to the press.

You were an entirely different story.

Being the observant person he was, Clint gathered as much information as he could by watching you and as the days passed, he realized that you could be the great change that Tony needed in his life.

You were wonderfully sweet and always had a steady smile on your face. He noticed that although you had a very positive attitude, you weren't very confident in yourself and maybe that was what had drawn Tony to you in the first place. You were the kind of person that he would be fiercely protective over because of your softness and he observed that kind of reaction coming from his friend when you entered Bruce's lab one day with some files, murmuring quietly about being sent to deliver information.
Tony, of course, froze up in an instant.

"Y/N! Wh-What's up? I mean, how you are? I meant how are you? Ya know, doing?" Tony stumbled over his words, cursing himself out silently for sounding like an idiot.

"I-I'm fine, Tony, thank you." You said softly.
"Pepper asked if I could give these to you. I was on my way out anyways."

You stretched your hand out to give him the files when you knocked over a small rack of empty glass tubes.
"Oh! I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean—".

In your haste to clean up the mess, you dropped the files, scattering them  all over the place. Tony and Clint were instantly at your side, picking up the sheafs of paper, when you cried out in pain. A stream of blood was pouring out of a long cut on your palm and Tony took your other hand in his, helping you to your feet.

"Come on, let's get you cleaned up."
"N-no, it's okay, I-I just-"
"Y/N, stop. Let me help you, okay?"

You nodded mutely, blood rushing into your cheeks as he led you to the infirmary, his hand tightly wrapped around yours. Once he finished clean and wrap your cut, you muttered a quiet "thank you" and tried to slip off of the examination table, finding yourself caught between it and Tony.

There it was again.

His heart was beating like a drum and the only thing he wanted to do in that moment was pull you close and kiss you until he couldn't feel his lips. Your heart was utterly failing at being a heart as it stuttered pathetically. The dark shine in Tony's eyes made the blush in your cheeks heighten to its burning point and you could feel the heat spreading throughout your whole body.
It seemed like an eternity as you stared at each other, ragged breaths passing through your lips, and your skin prickled as Tony's fingers slowly danced up the back of your hand, tracing towards your shoulder. He lightly captured your face in his hands and you felt frozen in place as he leaned forward, closing the distance between—

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