8. A job is a job.

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I was ready and geared up for my 6 PM. I took the last sip of the bourbon in my glass and let out a satisfied breath. I had to start hoeing to be able to drink expensive liquor, that I could see as a plus. I used to love beer and vodka because they were cheap but getting a taste of dark liquor had you realizing that you've been living half a life all this time.

Sima dropped me off 10 minutes early, which was slightly late since I had to get the room ready and mentally prepare myself. I hurriedly took another shower and was now in Calvin Klein boxers - with my strap underneath- matching bra, with a silk black robe covering me up. The room was already prepped to my surprise so here I was, sitting at the kitchen island, drowning my sorrows.

My hair was loose, freshly washed with juicy curls. I could now afford the more expensive products for natural hair and was no longer using a pea sized amount just because it was expensive and I wanted to stretch it. As I said, this job has its pros that made me dismiss the cons.

The digital clock in the kitchen struck 6 and I waited for 6:01 before I made a move. I should be the one walking in on the person and most times I caught them snooping around or just sitting looking very uncomfortable. I took up the extra glass I had, the ice bucket and the bourbon bottle and made my way to the upstairs bedroom. I saw Melody stepping into a room with a black rope in her hand.

"Pst." I called out to her.

She shut the door in front of her and stepped over to me taking the bottle and turning it to her head.

"Yo, niggas got some weird ass fetishes." She laughed.

"Bet he pays double."

Instead of answering, she took another mouthful of liquor and winked. Kissing me on the jaw, she handed me back the bottle and entered the room. I heard a whip crack and thought, yep, niggas really had weird ass fetishes.

I continued my beeline to the room where my client should be waiting, the aquatic room. The walls were blue and the furniture black, just like in every other room. Pep thought white was too pure and I had to agree with her.

"Hello." My head was held low when I stepped into the room.

"Hey." The voice wasn't feminine and it wasn't masculine either.

"Wassup?" I still hadn't looked up.

"Nothing, I guess."

"Ready for a good time?" That's when I looked up.

I hadn't expected to see what I saw. Hadn't expected to have to tighten my grip on the bottle and cups in fear of letting them fall from my fingers. I sucked in a sharp breath as I stared at the male sitting on the bed in front of me. I quickly rested the things I had in my hand and shared a drink handing one to him. I downed the first cup and poured a second.

You can't turn down any jobs.

Fucking hell! What was I supposed to be doing? Downing the second cup, I poured a third.

"Want some more?" I asked.

"One is enough." He chuckled.

"So, tell me.." I moved to sit on the bed with him.

"What is it that you want?" I stirred the cup and the only sound in the room was the ice moving against the glass.

"There's just some things in life I wanna try out, you know?" No, I didn't fucking know.

"I see. Things like what?" I had to pry information out of him. I had to know what role I would be playing.

"You know.." he blushed.

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