The untamed princess

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Michael's muscled chest heaved with madness, as he pulled Kyra into his arms and stomped across the room, and threw her up against the wall. Kyra shrunk back afraid for her life, thinking he was going to beat her for sure, but Michael placed his hands on the wall locking her in the middle, and looked angrily down at her.

She will be the death of him, he thought wildly, he must tame her, because if she had slapped him in public he would have had to use the whip on her according to the law, and he didn't want to mark her body. He loved her with all his being, but she must abide by the rules to stay safe!

"If you ever, and I mean ever, raise your hand at me again, I will teach you a lesson that you won't ever forget." He threatened, "you will be my wife, and you shall obey my commands!"

"I will not! You are not my father!" She yelled back.

Michael closed his eyes for a second, and took a deep inhalation of breath. Rage was boiling inside him, and he wanted to throttle her, but in the same breath, he found the spitfire irresistible, and he bent his head and claimed her lips brutelly.

Her lips tasted of strawberry wine, and he almost lost his mind, as he wrapped his arms around her, and pulled her close to him. The Druid grinded his massive erection against her, and he trembled with desire.

"Kyra." He whispered her name hoarsely, as his full lips kissed her neck, "release me of my pain and suffering, I need you."

The princess knew in her heart that she could not live without him, and she was willing to give up her purity, not able to hold off anymore, but what would that tell him, she thought, she could not show him weakness, because he will continue to overreact, and their relationship will suffer one day if she did not hold her ground now, but it was getting harder and harder to hold off giving herself to him, her womanhood was on fire and she wanted him inside her.

Kyra closed her eyes shut, her heart was beating wildly against her chest, and she was dangerously close to giving in. No Kyra! She told herself, stop this, you must teach him a lesson!

The princess placed her palms on his bare chest and tried to push him away.

"Stop Michael, she said in a firm and unwavering voice. " I do not want this now!" She lied.

But Michael was at the point of no return. His insecurities turned to jealousy, and he wanted to claim her his to mark his territory. Trembling with lust, his huge, muscled warrior body could not stop now, he had to have her. He swept her up in his strong and possessive arms and took her to the bed where he threw her on it, and ripped her gown off her body, revealing a pair of twin firm and round breasts that drove him mad with desire. Pulling his kilt off his tapered waist, Michael's huge, and throbbing shaft needed to be released immediately.

The Druid was beyond reason, when he climbed over her, and he didn't even notice at this point the alarm in Kyra's eyes, as he lowered his head, and his lips tasted her nipples. Preparing himself to claim her virginity, he nudged her thighs apart and positioned himself to enter her, but at that second there was a loud pounding on door.

Michael's heat blazed eyes, looked towards the door, and he yelled, "what!"

"Prince Michael, lady Lidia and the healer request your audience right away." A servants trembling voice said.

Michael didn't even respond, as he turned his attention back to his soulmate. Noticing the tears in her beautiful sky blue eyes, he finally realized what he was about to do. Dropping his forehead on her breasts, he let out a masculine groan, and slowly moved his body off her, and fell next to her on the bed. He almost crossed the line today, in more ways than one, and he was angry at himself for losing his self control. He was going to take her maidenhood against her will! This is not like him, for he had never done that before to any woman that he bedded. The wenches begged for him to take them, but this one, his beautiful soulmate, did not beg him, she was the opposite of all the other women he had ever met.

Kyra rolled her body the opposite direction from him, and cried. Tears of frustration glided down her beautiful, angelic face. She wanted to give herself to him, because he was her soulmate, and her body desired him badly, but this was not the way to do it. She was supposed to be mad at him, to show him that he had mistreated her! It was a good thing that there was a pounding on the door, because she was almost ready to beg him to take her! Even though he done her wrong today, she still wanted him inside her.

Michael knew that she was crying, and he felt tortured. Is she crying out of love for him, or is she crying from relief that he pulled away from her. Jealousy circled around his heart and twisted it, as he wondered if she cried because she had feelings for his brother. Could she be secretly be in love with Edward and want him? Could she be repelled by his advances because she desired Edward instead?

He looked down at his aching shaft and wrapped his huge calloused hand around it, and closed his eyes as he started to stroke his erection. He desperately needed to relieve his throbbing pain, but this would be the first time ever he had felt the need to touch himself. He has never found himself in this situation before. No one has ever denied him the pleasures of love, and now in his bed, he had his future wife, and she was repelled by him. Anger boiled deep in his heart. Anger that she didn't want to make love with him, anger that he couldn't wait a few more days for his wedding night, anger that she could possibly be grieving that the wrong twin was in bed with her. Letting go of his throbbing, oversized erection, Michael jumped out of bed, grabbed his kilt, and wrapped it around his tapered waist. If she didn't want him, he would find someone who did, because he wasn't about to play with himself, when he could have any wench he desired. Stomping out of the room he headed towards the servants quarters to relieve himself of his burden.

He flew down the stairs and marched to the end of the castle where the servants rooms were, and he opened one of the doors, and stepped inside. The young girl that had opened the door for him earlier was laying on her cot, and was surprised to see him. He closed the door gently, not to awaken the other servant who slept on the other cot, and he walked up to the young girls bed. He pulled his kilt off his tapered waist, and stood before her. His massive erection throbbed painfully, wanting desperately to be released, and he climbed into bed next to her and she threw herself at him eagerly, rubbing her breasts against him. Michael closed his eyes, and his body trembled with lust. He reached out and grabbed the young maiden, and lifted her body over him, and was about to place her on his shaft, when at the last possible second, he claimed back his thoughts that were crazy and out of control, and he stopped himself from screwing the beautiful servant girl. He could not do it! He could not make love to another woman! He the mighty warrior, the strongest most powerful, whom every female lusted after, could not touch another woman!

Angry that Kyra, a mere woman had such power over him, he threw the servant girl on the bed, and climbed over her. He was going to ravish her, and not let thoughts of his traitorous betrothed to get in the way of his pleasures. He brought his lips down on her firm breasts and his tongue stroked around her nipple, and his shaft almost exploded from need. The young maiden panted softly, and wrapped her small hand around his huge shaft and Michael trembled with lust. He was going to screw her! He nudged her thighs apart with his knee, and positioned himself between her legs, and right when he was about to enter her, he stopped himself again. There was no way he could go forward with this. He could not make love to her! Dropping his head on her breast, he tried to control his breathing, and slowly he rolled off her, leavying her high and dry, and in tears.

"I'm sorry," he whispered softly, and he grabbed his kilt in his hands and walked out of the servants room closing the door behind him.

Michael walked down the empty hallway, wrapping his kilt around his waist, he opened the back doors to the castle, and walked outside into the dark night. He decided to go for a swim in the river to cool himself off.

He did not noticed Kyra, who was standing on the top floor holding on tightly to the railings, looking down at him angrily, as he came out of the servants room naked. He did not know that her heart broke in two, and that their life from this moment forward changed forever. Had he known, he would have thrown himself at kyras feet and begged for mercy.

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