Episode 115

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“Cheater!” Scarlett screeches joyfully as she watches Jake knock down every bottle with his first shot. It was their fourth carnival game and so far Scarlett hadn’t won a thing while Jake could barely hold the three stuffed animals cradled in his arms.

“You’re such a sore loser.” Jake laughs as the woman hands him his fourth animal, this one was a blue giraffe with bright yellow spots. He holds out the animal to Scarlett with a slight shake of his hand. She smiles and gladly reaches for the plush toy.

“I was wondering when you would get the hint.”

“What are you talking about? That’s for Audrey.”

Scarlett bumps into his side as they walk, causing Jake to laugh even more. She lifts her eyes from the ground, spotting Nick and Kendra just a few feet ahead walking towards them.

“Where are you two headed?” Kendra questions the couple with a smile and burst of excitement.

“We were thinking of trying out the Ferris Wheel.” Jake answers.

Kendra’s mouth drops and she awes in desperation. "That’s what I wanted to do but Mr. Scaredy Cat here is afraid of heights.” She nudges Nick playfully while he has a look bordering complete confusion. “You wouldn’t mind if I borrow Jake for a minute would you, Scar?”

Scarlett’s mouth drops briefly at a nickname she had become accustomed to coming from someone she only just met hours ago. She quickly shakes her head and motions for Jake to follow. “Not at all. Have fun.”

“Yay! Come on, Jake!” She immediately pulls on Jake’s arm and he can’t help but a follow along, a big smile plastered across his face.

Scarlett chuckles at Jake’s obvious infatuation before turning back to Nick and realizing he had been staring at her for quite some time. “Spiders, sharks and chickens.”

He smirks and brings his eyebrows together as Scarlett makes a strange list. “What?”

“Things you’re afraid of. Heights actually didn’t make the list.” She eyes him suspiciously.

He shrugs as they continue walking through the carnival. “Maybe it’s a newly realized fear.”

“So, are you having fun with Kendra?” Scarlett questions, quickly moving from the previous subject and onto something she may actually receive an answer for.

He sticks his hands into his pockets and nods softly. “Yeah, she’s pretty cool.” He notices Scarlett’s eyes clinging to the ground at the response and he smirks proudly. “I think she has a thing for Jake though.” He nudges her arm and motions for her to look towards to Ferris wheel where Jake and Kendra look as if they are having the time of their lives.

Scarlett smiles before turning to Nick with a curious expression. “I thought Kendra was your girlfriend.”

He chuckles and turns to Scarlett, dumbfounded. “I love you, Scar. You’re a mess but I love you, nonetheless.”

The air felt tense after the words left his mouth. It was as if he had never said them before and this was their first date. Their palms were sweaty and Scarlett could feel her cheeks turning a bright pink hue as her eyes remained glued to the rocks covering the ground. Each step felt shaky but somehow she knew it was important to just keep moving and to never look back.


“Look at them.” Kendra points to the ant sized couple walking below them as they inch farther and farther up the Ferris wheel. “They are so cute it should be illegal to be so blind about it.” She shakes her head and Jake smirks.

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