Break In

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My roommates and I lived in a two story condo during our last year of college. It was a new development with mostly college aged neighbors, and in a good part of town. Over the course of the year we had made friends with several of the tenants in the complex, so it wasn't surprising when someone would knock on our door late in the evening wanting to have a drink or just hang out.

Both of our bedrooms were upstairs, one overlooking the back yard and one overlooking the front door and parking space. My bedroom happened to be the one overlooking the front door. I was laying in bed well after midnight, cramming for the last exam I would ever take in my college career. I was halfway asleep when someone started knocking on our front door. I thought very little of it, as there was a girl that lived next door who my roommate would occasionally hookup with. I just assumed it was her trying to come over after a night of partying. The knocking on the door soon sounded like someone lowering their shoulder and running in to the door like they were trying to break in. I went to my window overlooking the door and could see a person that was trying to knock in our front door. It was clearly not the girl from next door that I thought it may be. This was a fairly large male, and he seemed intent on getting inside our place. He would take a few steps back, get a running start, and then hit our door as hard as he could. He wanted in.

I left my bedroom and walked down the hallway to the other bedroom to wake up my roommate. Somehow he wasn't awake from the noise. As soon as I opened his door, I heard our front window glass shatter downstairs. The guy that broke in then said "alright you mother fuckers" in a tone that told us the guy meant business. He sounded  really pissed off. We locked the bedroom door, and went through the bathroom door that joined our two bedrooms and locked my bedroom door as well. Neither of us had a gun, just a couple of baseball bats if he did happen to make his way upstairs. We then call the police.

We could hear him rummaging around downstairs, breaking some stuff and going through our belongings. Then he was silent. A few minutes late several police cars pulled into the neighborhood and eventually into our place. An officer came upstairs to get us and when we walked downstairs, there was the perpetrator, laying on our couch in just his underwear. He was high on some drugs and passed out once he saw the closest thing to a bed I guess. Not sure why he chose our place, but his life may have been saved by the fact nobody in the house had a gun.

Not a sinister story by any means, but when he came busting through that glass and said "alright you mother fuckers", I thought we were done for.

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