Chapter 1 (Caine's POV)

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Chapter 1


Caine's POV

2 years ago….

My house was silent. I was used to the silence, and most times than not- I preferred it.

Silence gave me time to think, time to plan.

I made my way to my office, readying my mind for the long night of work I would be having. It had been an exhausting day, but a welcome distraction.

Rogues had been getting closer to our boundaries. Just yesterday there had been a group of six Rogues trespassing and attacking two of my fighters.

I had just taken a seat behind the desk in my office, when I heard a commotion outside of my house.

I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply.


My third in command was outside, and he wasn’t alone.

I took my time walking through the corridors in my mansion, knowing there shouldn’t be anything pending for me to take care of.

“It’s late.”

My voice was low, and Macon knew he should be careful with me. I didn’t like getting disturbed, he knew that.

“Alpha, we have a problem,” Macon said, his eyes showing the urgency of the matter.

“Why didn’t you call me through,” I said, pointing at my mind.

He could’ve sent me a mental message, instead of wasting time coming all the way to my house.

“They are coming here, Alpha,” Macon said, looking at the ground and bowing at me.

“Who is coming here?” I asked him.

“Humans,” Victor, my Beta replied.

I laughed, all though their humor held no amusement to me.

“What are humans doing in my land?” I asked them.

“These aren’t regular humans Caine. They know what we are and who you are to us,” Victor answered, taking a step closer to me.

I growled at him.

“My Alpha,” Victor said.

He called me by my title, something he only ever did when it was a serious situation.

“How do they know what we are? Who told them? Why are you letting them get so deep into our land?” I questioned Victor.

My Wolf, who had been dormant, was ready to attack anyone who so much as said one wrong word.

“It was Andrew, Alpha,” Macon replied, in a voice so low.

The only reason I was able to hear him was because of my enhanced hearing.

“What?” I asked, through gritted teeth.

I was a lot stronger and taller than Macon. I grabbed the collar of his shirt with both of my hands, forcing him to keep his eyes on me.

“It was him, I’m not lying Alpha,” Macon replied, not retracting from his accusation.

I narrowed my eyes at him, but the noise approaching the front area of my home distracted me from doing anything else.

“How many?” I asked, directing my gaze at Victor.

“It’s only fifteen of them. I already sent men into town. These humans, they aren’t from around here. We could knock them out and send them away. No one will believe what they say,” Victor said, as four cars appeared from the narrow road in the woods.

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