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Harry finished paying for some Dairy Milk knowing that it was Essie's favourite and he exited the shop hoping that she and Adam had finished talking and they could resume their...date? Was it a date? Neither had confirmed it. But they are dating so probably it was.

He returned to the park and didn't see Essie nor Adam at all. What? He trolled the park and still there was no sight of either of them. Sitting down on the bench he tried called Essie.

"Hi this is Essie, I can't talk right now, but leave a message if that's cool with you and I'll talk A-S-A-P!" Her voice chirped. Great, he thought, Adam has stolen her.

He stayed out hoping that she would return soon. Harry tried occupying himself with a game on his phone whilst he waited. The night grew colder and darkness settled in and still there was no sign of Essie.

His phone pinged and he looked at it hoping it was his girlfriend. Nope, it was her best friend.

slvtherins_ sent you a message.

let Essie know I'm back
@ my hotel. Ty.

Harry sent a thumbs up. Now he was worried. If she is not with Adam where the hell is she? His heart began to race as panic settled in and he fumbled onto his contacts searching for Haz's name.

He clicked on it hoping that he would answer.

"Hey Harry, what's up?" Harrison answered, "how's the date? You are on a date right?"

Harry exhaled shakily, "she's gone."

"WHAT?!" Bellowed Harrison and there was commotion in the background ("What's going on?" "Haz?" "Haz, what's up?").

"Adam was here and she went to talk to him so I went to the shop to grab some chocolate because I forgot to get some beforehand and when I came back she was gone, so was Adam. Then I got a message from Adam saying tell Essie that he's back at his hotel. She's gone, Haz!" Harry told him quickly, barely breathing between each word. His hands were shaking and his eyes wouldn't stop darting around as he searched his surroundings.

"Where are you?" Harrison asked, his voice deep and it was clear that his teeth were gritted.

"The park by the Nisa." He told Harrison, "I don't know it's name."

Harrison cut the phone off and Harry stayed in the park assuming Harrison wold be joining him soon. However, he couldn't stop moving, he walked laps of the park trying to calm down and think rationally but it didn't seem to work.

Within minutes his brothers, Tuwaine and Harrison were with him and the latter looked ready to kill him. "How could you lose her?!" He shouted at Harry.

"She's not a kid Haz! I was in the shop and she was with Adam! It wasn't dark at that point! Jesus fucking Christ!" Harry retorted.

"Everyone just calm down-" Sam tried to stop the argument that was brewing but only received glares from the two.

"Does she know her way around here?" Asked Paddy who was stood by Tuwaine and Tom. "Because if she doesn't that's bad."

"She doesn't. She hasn't been to this part of London before." Harrison replied pinching the bridge of his nose. "I'm going to die if we don't find her."

"We'll find her." Tuwaine told him placing a hand on his shoulder and giving it a squeeze.

"Why don't, Tom, Harry and Paddy go towards the left and me, you and Sam go to the right. We'll search for her and and if either group finds her we let each other know. In, say, an hour of we haven't found her we meet back here and go from there?" The group of guys agreed and departed each other.

* * *

Essie turned down streets she thought looked familiar but she wasn't entirely sure if they were the right ones. The sun had long set and her arms were littered with goosebumps but not the kind she had got from Harry's touch.

The girl hoped she was going in the right direction back to the house because she was long away from the park but yet again, she wasn't entirely sure. Many cars rushed passed her, blinding her with their headlights on full beam and the soft glow of the streetlights flared on shop windows. There were not many people out walking probably in clubs or cosied up at home. To say she was pretty scared was an understatement.

It felt like hours that she had been walking as her trainers rubbed against her toes. It might very well have been that long but she wouldn't have known because her phone had run it battery due to her not knowing that she was actually going out that evening other than when Harry grabbed her and she grasped her backpack.

It was times like this that she felt like crying. In a place she wasn't familiar with and being alone because Harry had left. Why? She had no clue. Heck, she hadn't even passed a hotel where Adam could have been staying at.

It looked like there was hope for Essie when she came across as phone box. Rushing towards it she ripped the door open and climbed in, stuffing her hand into her pockets to find a pound coin. Just as she went to put in the pound she soon realised that it was broken, that there was not actually a phone in there anymore.

Angry she hit the box and she stormed out of the box and down the street further. Continuing to traipse down the street for a little while longer Essie grew deflated and found an empty shop doorway. Curling up into the corner of it she hurried her head into her knees as a tear streamed down her cheek. She was beyond scared now. Beyond scared...

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