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Creed opened his eyes to darkness. A darkness he knew all too well.

How many times had he fallen to this place? On the blink of the end, yet he'd never passed the edge. Silver and Chaos had been here and come back a thousand times.

Creed knew he wasn't coming back this time, and he didn't want to. He willingly let it pull him in, towards the center where a pinprick of light waited. He could feel less pain the closer he got. The agony of breathing, the dull ache in his body, the struggle to just keep living all faded as the light grew. He could see it wasn't a pinprick of light but a glowing radiant ball of light, calling him to it.

He let it wash over him and forgot what pain was. 

Then the light itself began to fade to a faint glow that surrounded him on all sides. Creed became aware that he was no longer floating in blackness but standing in a strange place. 

Then he saw them, waiting for him.

Dawn, Tadem, Skate, Sunny, 15, Zayne, 34, everyone. They stood just a few steps away, but the minute Creed staggered forward Dawn bolted towards him, grapping him up before Creed's legs could give out. Tadem wrapped his arms around him, Skate ran over and hugged him from behind. Sunny wormed his way into the group, 15, Zayne, grabbed him as well. They held him and support him.

Creed couldn't handle the overwhelm of emotion. Joy, pure joy just to see their faces again, feel their touch. He buried himself into the middle of it all, sobbing. 

These were his brothers. Everyone he'd lost. The people who loved him, cared for him. The people who didn't care if he was a killer or a cadet. His brothers, his vod'ikas

His family. 

Dawn squeezed him tight, pressing his downy haired head close to Creed's as Tadem and Sunny purred softly, holding him tight. Skate just smiled and stroked Creed's hair gently, supporting him.

"We missed you kid," he murmured and Creed started crying again.

A knot of happiness blocked his throat and he just smiled, tears streaking his face. He couldn't have asked for anything better, or anything more. He was finally somewhere that pain couldn't touch him, and no one could ever harm his family again.

Then he looked up some, his eyes caught a figure standing a few feet away, walking slowly towards them.

Creed's breath hitched and he squirmed his way out of the group, which relented their grip as he broke free and ran. 

He barreled into the other figure, bursting out sobbing all over again. He nearly collapsed but strong arms supported him and scooped him up like a tiny cadet.

Creed curled up like one, burying his face in the clone's shirt, overwhelmed with emotion. He couldn't speak as he looked up softly, throwing his arms around the older clone's neck.

Haze just smiled at him and secured Creed in his arms, rocking on his heed. "I got you, lad, I got you."

 Hiding his face in Haze's shirt, Creed gripped him tighter. "D-Don't let m-me go..." he whimpered, afraid Haze would vanish if he did.

"I won't let go, lad. Never."

"Don't leave me!" Creed begged, tears streaming down his face. He never wanted to leave his older brother, it had been too long.

"Never," Haze promised firmly and kissed his head. "Never again, vod'ika."

Creed burst out wailing and Haze just rocked him until he quieted back down. He stroked Creed's hair back gently, smiling as he held the younger clone. Creed gripped him tighter, afraid to let go. He closed his eyes, relaxing into the warmth of his brother's grip. He was safe, he could feel it. Haze was here, and that was all he needed. 

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