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At the age of fourteen I met people who are the one and only ones

People say fourteen is a good age

They believe one is carefree then...

It's not so easy to put it like that

Because we have our own concerns

It's easy to talk about our past lives as a kid

Still we are living our lives as teens for the first time

Among those ordinary days as we called them

Nothing felt ordinary

Every moment of light 

But we were serious every moment of it

Everyone has only one teen hood 

We are going through our first phase of the 'teen life'...

Poet's note 

First of all if u have read this poem then check out 'A-teen' on YouTube 

My write up was inspired by the last episode and obviously my friends 

Love u all so so much 

So thankful for all my friends 

Also do suggest titles for silly poems so I can ponder upon how to go with them...

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