Chapter 8: Isabella's P.O.V

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And then it was over.

They burst into the room.

I pulled away from Jason and wiped a single tear that had fallen for a goddamn boy.

I saw a tear drop down Jason's cheek too.

He looked at me.

And I looked at him.


I jogged out the room and didn't look back.

It was over. He was just a boy that didn't matter. So who cared if it was over?

Monday, 2 days later.
I didn't leave my room at all for the past 2 days. Turned out I did care that I liked him and he liked me and we'd probably never see each other again.

I ignored the boys, I ignored Lexi, I ignored my Dad, I ignored everyone.

Honestly, it sounds so pathetic. I've spent 1 real day with Jason. But I miss him like hell. I miss his adorable smile, his laugh, the feeling of his lips on mine. I miss his icy blue eyes, the way his hair flops over his eyes, I just miss him.

He made me feel safe.

But I keep telling my self that I barely know him. That I know nothing abut him. But yet, I feel like I know everything about him.


Oh for fucks sake. Fucking Jasmine Spencer. Mason's girlfriend.

"Can I come in?"

Here she is, being all nice and lovely in front of my brother, but as soon as that door closes, she's the biggest bitch alive.

"No. You can't." I said, not looking at her or my brother.

"Isabella, don't be rude." Mason scolded me.

"Sorry, Jasmine, I want to be alone right now, so please kindly fuck off." I said sarcastically. "Better?"

I got up and pushed them out the door and shut it again.

And guess where I went.

My windowsill.

I pulled my legs up to my chest and looked out the window.

"Wait what? Jason?!"

He was standing outside my window, with the biggest smile on his face. The goofy idiot.

I squealed with delight and I threw my window open, quickly climbing out. "Catch me?" I asked.

"I'll try." He replied, with a huge grin on his face.

I jumped and he caught me.

Okay, well he didn't but it sounded romantic if he did. He tried, but the force of me threw him backwards and I landed on top of him. We just burst out laughing.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, after we ran down the round to avoid getting caught.

"I had to see you." Jason replied. "I wanted to know you were okay.

"I was hoping you'd say that."

"It's crazy, I just saw you a few days ago, and I swear we were kissing the whole day and I was with you the whole day, but I feel like I haven't seen you in weeks."

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