Chapter 15 - The Bigger the Hoops the Bigger the Hoe

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Chapter 15 – The Bigger the Hoops the Bigger the Hoe

Three days later I had called Chace a total of ten times and he hadn’t returned a single one. Skye on the other hand had called me three times, one for each day, and we’d had one coffee date. I was currently standing bikini clad in my hotel room contemplating if I should try calling again.

Trix came out of the bathroom then, saving me from having to make the decision myself and so I threw the phone down onto the bed.

“You ready?” I asked and she grinned.

“Yup, let the fun begin!”

We found the others down by the pool, some already with a drink in their hands. We were greeted with cheers and hugs, and Stassi unloaded some of her stuff from a pair of sunbeds they’d all helped snag for us.

“Imma get us some drinks, yeah?” I told Trix as she laid her towel out.

“Sure thing,” she confirmed and I put my sunglasses down over my eyes and sauntered over to the bar that was conveniently close by.

“Hey, can I have two vodka cranberries please?” I asked the barman as he became available.

He nodded and smiled at me. “That’s your group of friends over there?” He asked.

“Yeah, we came down today.”

“Ah, then you should check out the neon paint party that is happening in the underground club tonight,” he nodded towards a stack of fliers that were pinned down beneath a heavy ornament.

I extracted one and read it. It actually sounded really fun, which was just what I needed these days. The others couldn’t say no to this, they just couldn’t. “That sounds awesome,” I beamed.

A girl came up beside me and cut the conversation short as she ordered herself an unspecified drink, asking the barman to make her something sweet. Her bikini was minimum coverage at best and a racy red colour that popped well with her bleach-blonde hair. The whole ensemble was paired with a pair of enormous silver hoop earrings that almost went down to her shoulder blades. How she kept them from tangling in her hair was beyond me.

I took my drinks with me and left to re-join the others, suddenly feeling very conscious of the fact that I did not look as good as that girl in a bikini.

“Hey guys!” I exclaimed as I reached them. Handing Trix her drink I waved the flier in their faces. “Check this out. Underground club here at the hotel and they’re having a neon paint party tonight. We should go!”

Everyone’s interest seemed piqued so I handed the flier off for them to read, silently hoping that it would trump the clubbing adventure that was actually planned for tonight.

“Heads up,” Trix whispered while the others argued over the tiny piece of paper. “Chace is here.”

I gulped, the sip of alcohol I was about to take flying right back down the straw and into the glass. “What?”

“Apparently he arrived earlier today with Austin, he’s somewhere around here and he brought a girl.”

“Good for him,” I mumbled, feeling stunned.

“He’s crashing my weekend,” I realized out loud.

“Seems like it. According to Austin he just mentioned the trip yesterday and Chace invited himself along. They’re friends so I get it, I just wanted to give you a heads up.”

“Thank you.” I really appreciated that seeing as now that I was prepared I could act more neutral about it.

“Don’t let it ruin your weekend okay? I’m still on a mission here,” she bumped me lightly, making me smile.

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