The Sidemen & The Pack- Childhood

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Vikk's P.O.V.

I bounced around the room, super hyper and super excited. My best friends were coming around for a while to stay and after having not seen them for years I was exploding with joy because I was so excited to see them and just really, really happy.

I had grown up with them, we went to the same school all the way from primary until we started college, even though I dropped out after the first year and moved to London, leaving everything behind. I had started YouTube in America and that was how I met the Sidemen, and once our channels were big enough I moved in with them.

The boys I left behind stayed in contact but because several of them moved into different countries, Lachlan to Australia and Rob up to Canada, we never really saw each other in person. I missed them with all of my heart because they knew so much about me and I was so happy that I was going to see them again.

I had invited them over to the Sidemen house, helping them pay for their plane tickets, and they had agreed to stay for a few weeks. The Sidemen had never met the Pack boys and I was excited to see some of the interactions between them, especially between Harry and Preston, the hyper children of each group.

"Come downstairs Vikk! They're gonna be here in a few minutes!" Simon called up the stairs and I scrambled down them, stopping in the doorway of the kitchen when I saw all of the others boys already there, sitting up on the bench or on the barstools.

"You right Vikk?" JJ asked, laughing at my animated and excited behaviour.

"Yeah I'm just so excited! I haven't seen them in years!!!" The person in the group I had seen last was Lachlan, as I had gone down to Aussie to visit him last year.

"We get it, we get it!" Harry laughed. "You're excited!"

"Yes I am!" I pouted and started pacing up and down in the room, listening for any sound of a car pulling into the driveway.

When a car did pull up I sprinted to the front door and flung it open, running out into the driveway and almost bowling over the first person that got out of the car. That person happened to be Mitch, who dropped his bag and lifted me up from the ground, hugging me tightly.

Lachlan and Rob got there next, Lachlan hugging me from the back and Rob wrapping his arms over top of Mitch to hug me again. Jerome and Preston quickly followed, jumping on top of the others and hugging the group tightly together.

There was giggling and squeals of excitement as we all jumped around one another, just excited to be back together for the first time in years and years. We only let go of one another when Mitch started to get squished in the middle of us, squealing when Lachlan attacked the side of his face with friendly kisses.

We let each other to go then and the boys greeted the Sidemen, all of whom they could name because I had sent them our videos, telling them who was who.

Josh led everyone inside, sorting out who was rooming with who. Lachlan was with me, Simon would move into Josh's room so Mitch and Jerome could have his, Tobi and Rob were sharing and Ethan and Preston were sharing. Harry and JJ were the lucky ones, the only ones who didn't have to share, although I didn't mind considering it was Lachlan.

Once everyone was settled in the living room, we started talking. This was the first time any of them had met each other in real life so it was mostly a time to get to know each other, introductions, basic facts, that sort of thing so they could get more comfortable together.

I noticed that Rob and Josh formed a friendship very quickly, as well as Preston and Simon, and they were chatting together happily after only half an hour or so. Mitch looked a little awkward, he wasn't very talkative around people he didn't know but once Harry leaned over and started talking to him he started opening up, seemingly a lot more comfortable.

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