Chapter 5

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Hermione POV

We were walking to the Room of Requirements when i hear a loud scream. I go over to see what the problem is, when i turn the corner i see Harry on the ground holding his scar. I run over to him.

"Harry what's wrong. How bad is the pain" I ask him as Draco comes over and kneels next to him.

"It hurts so badly like nothing I've felt before and I've been hit with the killing curse. TWICE." Harry says

"Draco I need help getting him to the Room of Requirements. Can you please help him up and walk there." I ask Draco.

"Sure. Come Harry let's go" Draco says to him.

Draco picks up Harry's arm and puts it over his shoulder. I follow them close behind holding onto Teddy's hand the whole way there. Once we get to the room of requirements I let go of Teddy's hand and walk up to the door. 

"Is anyone in here."

"Yeah Mione we're here." Ginny says


Once we get back to the hotel. I only get to the lobby when i'm attacked with questions from my cousins and my aunt and uncle. 

"Where were you. You were gone for more than 2 hours. And those to redheaded idiots were gone as well." I get asked by all of them at once.

"Well first non of your business and don't call the weasley twins idiots." I say but I regret saying that they were the weasley twins

"Did you say weasley as in Ron Weasley. As in friends with Harry Potter. As in the guy that saved the world." Haley askes

"Shit" I say then I run up to the room me and Draco 

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