Chapter 10

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The rest of Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday was normal. Filling out papers, interrogating people, training, school. On the topic about school. They sent out a list of items to bring on the trip.

Tooth brush, check. Tooth paste, check. Hair brush, check. Shampoo and conditioner, check. Lotion, check. First aid kit, check. Jacket, check. Hats, check. Gloves, check. Scarfs, check. Socks, check. Undergarments, check. Pants, check. Shirts, check. Dress, check. Passport, check. Health card, check. Student ID, check.

Now for the items not on the list. Laptop, check. Phone, check. Wallet, check. USB ports, check. A couple of knives, check. A few guns, check. You might be wondering how I will bring guns on the airplane. Well don't worry little one, you will see.

I woke up at 5 o'clock today just to check if I packed everything. I know I did since I have a very good memory however who knows if someone stole anything. Do not trust anyone, at least do not fully give your trust. I learned that the hard way.

You know how we had to buy our own airplane ticket. I bought first class since I do not want to sit next to hormonal teenagers and plus, I have the money. I heard that Tiffany and Janice are not going on this trip. It was something about not wanting to share a room with losers but I bet it was something else though.

I brought all my luggage onto the main foyer and loaded it into another car which it isn't mine but my second in command since he is dropping me off. "You will be in charge of the gang when I am gone but remember to inform me if anything unusual happens." I ordered Eric.

"Yes boss!" Eric said. I sat down into the passenger seat and waited for my second in command to start up the car. He opened the door, started the engine, and drove me to school. We did not talk on my way to school since I usually do not make small talk to my gang. Talking consists of gang information and gang information only.

When we pulled up into the school's parking lot, I can see many cars filled with luggage. There was a bus there to take us to the airport and a teacher trying to keep everything organized and helped students load their luggage on the bus.

I loaded all my luggage on the bus except a carry-on bag that consists of my phone, wallet, some emergency use items, some knives, and a gun. I had another gun on me and some other knives tucked underneath my clothes as well.

As soon as all the seniors got to school, we lined up to board the bus. For your information, there was more than one bus since there are hundreds of students. I saw Ace and his group among the crowd but I did not bother meeting up with them.

On the bus I plugged in my headphones into my phone and started listening to music. I actually love music and singing. I remember that my parents were really good at singing as well. If the wanted to be singers, they very well could.

Time skip to airport

About 30 minutes after we left the school, we arrived at the airport. The teachers have informed us that we did not need to bring our luggage into the airport since some of the employees are doing that for us. So I grabbed my bag and walked into the airport.

Everyone got their tickets and surprisingly, only six people people booked the first class seat. If you are wondering, the other five people are not Ace's group. If they would, I would change to the Business class. I do not want deal with those boys being all noisy when I can fall asleep to music.

I went to the security man and said "Grim Reaper."

The man replied with a "Yes boss." You see, I have people from my gang everywhere so I can get to places easily.

The first class lounge was decorated very well and contained food that we can enjoy. We only stayed there for an hour until the flight attendants called us to board the plain.

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