Chapter 20

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Next morning felt weird. What I mean by that is when I drove to school, I felt like someone was following me even though there is no one on the road. When I eventually got to school, I felt like someone was staring at me. Not like how the students stare and whisper about me but more like someone was analyzing me. It gave me the chills and trust me, that is a bad thing.

To prove me suspicions true, I found another letter in my locker when I opened it up. Hopefully it is just one of the leaders of the smaller gangs that found my true identity and overthrow me but something in my gut says that is is much more than that.

Dear Luna Blackwood,

You might not know what I am but I assure you that you will know soon. I have not gotten to have a conversation with you in about seven years. Of course though, you do not remember a thing.

I know everything about you Luna, so you are not getting out of this one. You are the leader of the gang, Dark Shadow. You are the streetfighter, Black Killer. I know your pasts as well.

I am very disappointed in Kyle. I guess if you want something done, you must do it yourself. Anyways, just remember this. Do not try to run away, this is your fate.

Signed by,


Now, not much in life scares me. However, this somehow does. I have so many questions racing in my mind. What happened when I was 10 years old? Why do I not remember? How does this 'M' know about my present and past? How does 'M' know about Kyle?

All I know what to do is to be very cautious of my surroundings since clearly someone is stalking me. Zooming myself out of my thoughts, I hear a ding indicating someone has sent me a message. It was from Ace.

Ace: Do you want to come to my house after school?

Me: Sure.

Ace: Just letting you know, the boys are going to be there.

Me: What? They are going to freak out you know.

Ace: Yeah so about that... Can I tell them a bit of your backstory so they will actually know where you are coming from. This way, they can also hang out and I will not need to be secretly coming over to your house.

Me: Fine, but I am doing this because I want to get better okay?

Ace: Okay thanks!

Finishing that, I closed my phone and continued to go through school. When all my classes ended, I hurried towards my car, starting it up, and on to the road to get to Ace's house.

Once I arrived, all the others have also arrived. They must have ditched class or something to arrive so early. After parking my car, I walked to the door and rang the doorbell. The door opened.

"Oh hey Luna! Everyone is downstairs watching a movie. I had already told them that you are just misunderstood so they will not be aggressive. However, I am pretty sure they still have to get used to having a girl like you around and all." Ace rambles, scratching the back of his neck. "Anyways, come in!"

I went into to the house and followed Ace into the basement. Once I arrived, everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at me. Wesley decided to break the silence.

"For your information Luna. We agreed to help you but does not mean we are getting cozy with you so fast. It is hard to get to a cold blooded murderer." Wesley informed me.

"Dude, Wesley. Do not put it like that!" Ace complained to Wesley.

"No Ace. It is fine. I understand where Wesley is coming from. Thanks for giving me a chance." Well damn, when did I become so nice. Maybe I am changing.

"Anyways, come on Luna. Sit down. We are in the middle of a movie marathon!" Hunter exclaims. I guess his child behavior did not get affected that much from witnessing a murder. So I did what he said, I sat down and watched multiple movies with them.

When everyone thought that it was late and we needed to go back home, I got into my car ready to turn on the ignition. The thing is, there was this piece of paper on my windshield that caught me attention. I picked it up again and guess what, it is another letter.

Dear Luna Blackwood,

I see, so you finally made up with Ace's friends. Just so you know, you do not need to protect your dear friends. I will not be like Kyle kidnapping your friends. It take way to much time, so just try to look out for yourself.

Oh, and also. Do not try to figure out who I am, you will get to know soon enough.

Signed by,


Now I am even more confused. It was 'M' and now it is 'I'. I can tell it was the same person who wrote both letters since their handwriting is the same. Well atleast I know that he/she will not do anything to Ace an his group.

I drove back to my house to get ready for bed since I stayed a long time at Ace's house. I decided I should keep the letters and all future letters somewhere safe just incase I need it for something. Better safe than sorry.

Next morning was one of those days where fog invades the air. I can look up to roughly 100 meters. Further than that is just all grey. "Well I can tell this is going to be a great day." I muttered to myself sarcastically.

I got ready for school and what do you know appear in front of my door. Another letter!

Dear Luna Blackwood,

You must so puzzled in who I am. Since plans are moved back a little, I decided to give you some hints. However, these hints will never get you too me so I just added this for a little more fun.

Hint 1: Check the warehouse Kyle kidnapped you in.

There are more hints coming so be prepared!

Signed by,


Really, it is signed by a different letter? Well, I guess I better skip school by calling in sick since I really do not need the education. After I called the school to inform that I was sick, I also added a fake cough, I got on the road to go to the warehouse.

The first thing I noticed about the warehouse is that someone had been here after the last time I was here. I could tell since there were dust missing where dust was there when I got kidnapped by Kyle.

After a while of digging around, I found a mark. It was the symbol for CIA. I do not know what this means but it has to be somewhat connected to the mystery person sending me all these letters. I searched some more and all I find are CIA symbols. This hint did not help me at all. It just gave me even more questions to answer. There were also some needles that held some kind of chemicals

I went back to my mansion with many photos I took with my phone of the CIA symbols. I honestly do not know what to do with these, they look all the same. So I do not think having multiple actually means something.

Suddenly, I get a text from Ace.

'Ace: Hey! Why were you not at school today?

Me: I am a little sick.

Ace: Do you want me to come over?

Me: No, it is fine. I am just a little sick so I am fine.

Ace: I am free today so I have time.

Me: No seriously, I am fine. Just a little cough.

Ace: Alright, if you say so...

I let out a frustrated groan as I turned off my phone and plopped onto my bed. 

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