10 | target acquired

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"Miss Kim, the target is directly over your area," Jisoo's receiver beeped in her ear at her surveillance agent's message.

The female watched carefully and stealthily in the darkness of the alleyway, running her thumb up and down her knife in anticipation. Right on cue, a figure covered in black emerged from the side, briefly entering the alley's view and into Jisoo's range of sight. The agent quickly examined the surrounding area and confirmed it was deserted save for her lone target– the perfect time to strike.

Jisoo pulled up her mask, double checking that she was fully concealed before stepping out into the light, grabbing onto her unsuspecting victim and pulling him into the alley. the agent threw him onto the ground, making her intentions clear by stomping her foot harshly onto her target's chest. With his breath restricted from the pressure, he was unable to let out his scream, only letting out a breathy groan in his moment of confusion.

"W-what? Who the fuck-" her victim attempted to question, but was stopped by a hard kick from Jisoo to his side.

The man hissed in pain, attempting to push himself up in a futile attempt at escape. As he looked up to assess his assaulter, he was met by the intimidating glare of Jisoo. However, his expression of relief by seeing the female's small build didn't go by unnoticed.

"You know who the fuck," the masked agent harshly responded, swinging her blade in front of the man's face.

The target's eyes significantly widened in fear at the sight of her knife, the reflection of the full moon emphasizing the sharpness of the blade.

"Word's going around that you owe something, hm?"  Jisoo hummed, kneeling over the male and pressing the blade of her knife to his neck.

"I don't know what you're talking about– I-I'm just an office worker. Please just let me go–"

"Bullshit," the agent cut him off, scraping the knife to his skin. "You know exactly what I'm talking about."

"N-no! I swear!"

Jisoo could see thin lines of blood emerge from the male's neck from the threatening press of her weapon, emitting a painful hiss from the target.

"Now, are you going to hand over the money? Or," she lowered her face to her victim's, enunciating her next words clearly, "would you prefer to repay us with your life instead?"

At the man's silence, Jisoo flicked her wrist, intending to adjust her hold on her knife and finish her mission with a clean slit to the man's throat. However, the agent was flung backward in the next second, unable to register anything in the brief span of time before she saw her target hovering over her.

"Average to strong build," she remembered seeing on her target's description. In the blink of an eye, the male's sudden push of courage left her a step behind him. In the corner of her eye, she saw the glint of metal in the man's hold– a pocket knife.

He came prepared, fully knowing that the agency would come after him after refusing to pay back his loans. That explains the small moment of relief the male had after examining his assailant.

"Get the fuck away from me," the target threatened as Jisoo calmly thought of a plan of attack.

He waved his own knife in front of the female, warning her. The agent pushed herself backward in an attempt to separate herself from the knife-wielding man in order to get up. In her position, she was significantly weaker than her target, as he had the upper-ground.

"Don't fucking move! I-I'm warning you!"

Refusing to comply to his orders, Jisoo attempted to swiftly push herself back on her feet, but was stopped by a sharp pain on her right side, falling back down onto the hard concrete. The female let out a muffled gasp at the sudden sting, repressing an audible reaction in the face of her target.

He had stabbed her, and she could feel her blood trickling from from her side.

As Jisoo moved her hand to her wound in an attempted to lessen the bleeding, the male raised his knife again in retaliation. She could visibly see her blood covering the surface of the blade, ominously lit up by the light of the moon.

"I warned you! Don't think you can mess with me, bitch! And I thought they would send their strongest guy for me," he mockingly sneered, regaining his confidence from shedding Jisoo's blood.

As the male swung down his weapon, clearly aiming at the agent's heart, Jisoo acted on instinct and put all of her strength into her leg, kicking him and forcing him backwards off-guard. In the short span it took for him to recover, Jisoo firmly pushed herself up off the ground, wincing at the sting of her wound nonetheless.

Her target was now visibly enraged, a whole different personality from his previous self, begging Jisoo to spare his life. She had hurt his pride, and frankly, he thought he could take her down. He thought the agency had misjudged him, sending a throwaway female rookie for him instead of a professional agent.

He could not be more wrong.

As he blindly charged towards Jisoo with his knife extended, the female firmly grabbed his wrist and shoved him backward, twisting his arm back in the process and dislodging the pocket knife from his hold. Before he could utter a noise in surprise, Jisoo was behind him with a killer grip on his arm and a knife to his throat.

"I tried to be nice. I gave you a chance to hand over the money instead of killing you right then and there, didn't I?" Jisoo menacingly whispered lowly in his ear.

"Pl- please listen, I-" her target pleaded with renewed fear before he was cut off.

"No, you listen. You taunted the wrong agent, buddy. Little did you know, I am their strongest guy."

With her last triumphant words, Jisoo swiped her hand, and with a muffled scream, the mission was complete. She dragged her target into the deepest part of the alleyway before letting the body topple onto the concrete, his blood pooling around his lifeless form.

Reaching her hand up to her earpiece, the agent pressed her button, signaling the agency.

"This is Kim. The mission is complete and I have dumped the body and the weapon behind the dumpster in the furthest part of the alley," Jisoo notified the surveillance team.

Her receiver beeped within a few seconds, congratulating the female on yet another successful mission.

"The clean-up team is heading to your location now. They should arrive soon to collect the body and cover up the scene. Have you gotten any of the target's blood on you?" the surveillance agent recited as part of mission protocol.

"No, I'm clean, but I sustained an injury during the mission."

"Noted. We'll send a medic in addition to the clean-up. Thank you, Miss Kim."

"Thanks, Hayi."

Jisoo sighed a breath of relief once she heard the closing beep of her earpiece. Wanting to catch her breath after the unexpected turn of events, the female leaned against the brick wall, closing her eyes and pressing onto her painful wound.

Unknown to the now lifeless target, Jisoo had lied. Under her collected exterior, the female was fuming at the man's belittling words.

I thought they would send their strongest guy for me.

In her moment of victory, she couldn't help but force him to eat his words, claiming that she was indeed their "strongest guy" when she was actually far from it. She did a victory dance in her head as she remembered her cool last words. Take that, you fucker.

"Oh my god!"

And just like that, Jisoo was broken out of her peaceful trance. Her eyes snapped open, immediately scanning the area for the voice's owner.

"Are you okay? You're bleeding!"

The light of the moon illuminated an unmistakable figure and Jisoo had to repress a groan.

Of course it had to be Kim Taehyung, her next target.


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