Plagg tries.. But doesn't succeed

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I slump in my seat whilst Plagg rolls on my desk laughing.

How did things get this complicated?

'I thought...i thought...aren't you with.. Cookie girl!' he wheezes, his disgusting cheesy breath in my face.

'Shut up plagg!'

'Why do i always get the hopeless romantics,' Plagg carries on, 'i'm not complaining, though. Good entertainment. Should be a tv series or something,' he strokes his chin as i facepalm.

How'd i get to liking two girls. Both beautiful in their own ways.

I thought i was over Ladybug. I thought maybe marinette..

As i sigh once again, Plagg stops laughing, 'now, stop being melodramatic,'

'I don't.. I've got myself into a right mess now, haven't i?'

'Yes,' the reply comes swiftly, 'but sometimes detangling things are easier than messing things up,'

'Wait, what?'

'Nothing,' the black qwami pauses to shove a chunk of revolting camembert into his mouth, 'well, do you like Ladybug?'

'duh, is that even a question?' i gesture to my Ladybug collection in the corner of my room.

'Do you like Marinette?'

'How's this meant to 'detangle'..'

I am silenced as he flings a mound of cheese bigger than himself into my mouth. I try not to choke by the sheer disgustingness of the taste.

'I'm helping you out and giving you some hints because your dense, so you should just accept it and answer my questions,'

I swallow. Why am i so scared, for God's sake?

'So, i'm gonna ask again, do you like Marinette?'

I hesitate.

'No, you aren't being 'disloyal' to Ladybug, just say yes or no,' he reads my mind.

'Yes,' as i think more about it, i feel more confident.

There's no denying the soft spot i have for the fond blue-eyed girl in my class, even my heart swells at the thought of her name.

'I like Marinette..'

'Yes, good Adrien! You're accepting it!' I can't tell if my Qwami is genuine or just mocking me, 'Now, why do you like Marinette?'

'Because,' I answer myself as well as Plagg, 'She's helpful, friendly, and sweet, good-natured,cute, really cute,'

I'm interrupted by Plagg fake gagging, 'now why do you like Ladybug?'

'Because she's smart, caring, honest, pretty, very pretty,'

Again, my list is interrupts as Plagg claps. He nods suggestively, eyebrows raised, expecting me to understand something i really don't.

'Can't you see the connection?!' He screeches.

'I like them both?'

He facepalms several times, 'let's try it this way. Who do you like better, Marinette or Ladybug?'

'Well, i like ladybug because she's so strong and determined, but marinette motivates m-'

My qwami has no manners as he interrupts me for what feels like the billionth time, 'Why? Is it because Ladybug is a superhero? I mean, of course it is, she has superpowers, right? So she's obviously who you like more, because you both have awesome slightly-undercredited Qwamis that transform you into heroes everynight. Like, you know 'Ladybug' the hero, and she knows 'Chat Noir' the hero, but the question is, does she know the blonde lovesick boy beneath the mask?'

'Shut up!' i can't help but snap eventhough my Qwami is being realistic.

'Lemme finish! How are you so sure you love the girl thats beneath that mask? I mean, she could be ANYONE. Like Chloe, for example, maybe some other classmate..' he trails off, nodding his head slowly, again expecting me to suddenly understand something.

I shake my head. He facepalms.

'My point is that what if Ladybug beneath the mask, is actually just some classmate or something, someone that you don't see as the 'smart', 'caring' , 'pretty' girl you love?'

'It's not like that!' i protest, 'I love Ladybug, whoever she is! She's amazing, eventhough i only know one side of her, that doesn't mean i can't be in love with her! Of course i love her!'

'So, you like Ladybug better than cookie girl,'


'You aren't making sense you dickhead!!' Plagg yells, before collapsing onto my desk. He regains his composure, 'You can't put Ladybug on this pedestal where you love her eventhough you don't actually know who she is. Cookie girl has EXACTLY the same characteristics, but you might not see as 'strong' and 'brave' just because she's one of your friends,'

He has a point.

'It's like, well everyone is dense enough to least expect you being Chat Noir, so you have no idea who ladybug can be,' he continues, 'exactly like she has no idea who actually is the real chat noir that keeps professing his love to her. Don't you think she might be a little creeped out even, by some stranger who doesn't know her in real life, doesn't know who she really is, constantly flirting with her? I mean, its a good thing she knows your around the same age, otherwise you would match with the identity of some creepy pedophile,'

'But we almost kissed,'

Plagg groans.

'Back to square one! You teenagers, so dense!' he floats to my bed, 'i'm having a nap, wake me up when you realise how stupid you are!'


This is to make up for the flop of a chapter before. It will get better, i promise.

Bug out!

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